Split screen multiplayer confirmed for BWII


WiiChat Member
Oct 28, 2007
Split screen multiplayer has been confirmed for BWII.

"Some of you may of played the original, but you couldn’t help but feel how great a multi-player mode would of made the game. Well Kuju thought that too. But, not only have they added split screen multiplayer, they’ve added full online play as well. There are three different modes to choose from, these include Assault (which is just an all out standard war), Skirmish (much more tactical than assault and with smaller armies) and finally Co-Op (work with friends) - I’ll go into more detail for each mode below."


If you need more proof then here it is: http://wii.nintendo.com/site/battalionwars2
At the bottom right there is a wiimote with a 2 on it meaning it is 2 player.

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Is this for sure? I've heard it both ways and I wouldn't mind knowing which one it is.
This game is now a must for me. And were my eyes decieving me or did the last paragraph say the game would possibly have voice chat?? Awesome...
is this a 1v1 game?

or can it be a thriple-threat war or a 4-way battle between 4 different players?
Im wondering if you could play this game online with another local player. Like me and my friend together online against other people.
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I know that you can play co-op with another player online, but I'm not sure if it has to be against a CPU.
wow! No one noticed that before lol! Im not sure if thats true though. There have been a few Reviews about and they all show that there isnt split screen I thought

But the official battalion wars site had 2 wiimotes indeed! So I gues its true

Ive heard somewhere that the online modes where only 2 vs against AI doing missions. Not 1 vs 1 and just blow everything up. Is that true?
Wiierd said:
Split screen multiplayer has been confirmed for BWII.

"Some of you may of played the original, but you couldn’t help but feel how great a multi-player mode would of made the game. Well Kuju thought that too. But, not only have they added split screen multiplayer, they’ve added full online play as well. There are three different modes to choose from, these include Assault (which is just an all out standard war), Skirmish (much more tactical than assault and with smaller armies) and finally Co-Op (work with friends) - I’ll go into more detail for each mode below."


If you need more proof then here it is: http://wii.nintendo.com/site/battalionwars2
At the bottom right there is a wiimote with a 2 on it meaning it is 2 player.


If you're gonna abbrievate something, unless the overwhelming majority will know what it stands for (like NES stands for Nintendo Entertainment System, and everyone knows that here) put the real word in a sentance once. Lots of people have no idea what the hell "BWII" is. It's just not common or well known enough to use it by itself.
^^ Actually we've been using Bwii for a long time now. And I noticed that arcticle for a long time, and I thought everyone knew there was co-op. But nowhere does it say 1 v 1 does it? That would be kind of dumb...
Well, we'll know wether it's true or not tomorrow. Patience, Anyone?

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