Speculation Mounts That Nintendo is Planning Wii2 Console-1.052009-11-03 16:56:18Maura SMultiple sources on the web have been reporting in the last few days on the growing speculation that Nintendo is planning on bringing out an HD Wii, possibly even as early as 2010. As this would clearly be very exciting news if proven to be true, we wouldn’t be doing our duty if we didn’t report on all the chatter, although it should be noted that there is very little concrete information to be had at the moment amidst all the rumour-mongering. However, the likes of T3, MCV, Andriasang, MaxConsole and What They Play all have similar stories, with many of them mentioning that the 2nd generation HD Wii would also have a Blue-ray drive and be capable of playing 1080p games and films, just as the PS3 can. Tech Radar is even going so far as to reference the translation of a supposedly leaked document from a Nintendo of France marketing employee which apparently says that the Wii2 will have a worldwide simultaneous release in Q3 of 2010, along with an official trade-in scheme whereby owners of the original Wii will receive a discount off the price of the new console. Here’s hoping that the rumours are actually true, as a Nintendo console with enough processing power to rival the Xbox 360 and the PS3 really would be something to get excited about!
