Well, I can say after playing Sonic and getting rather bored with it after only 2 hours, I'm trading it in for SSX. I wasn't that impressed with the gameplay and the controls are too weird for me. I've been a fan of SSX since I had a PS2, so I'm looking forward to seeing what its like on the Wii
I have both and I play Sonic a great deal more at this time.Although I do think SSX blur is a good game I just am devoted to Sonic at this time.So If I had to choose one I take Sonic.
Well I'd pick SSX Blur just cuz this new version of Sonic is kinda wierd in my opinion. I don't know. I liked being able to move Sonic around with my own hand rather than just have running at warp speed randomly. I was shocked when I saw the controls for Sonic to be honest on IGN. I was expecting something way different. Its sad too because the graphics looks awesome, the storyline is alright I guess, and the levels look really good. However SSX Blur has the same if not better level of graphics and good gameplay from what I've heard.
I have both games and I bought sonic first then blur the week after. I was looking forward to sonic more and it kinda disappointed me. I'd say rent sonic first and beat it and then see if you would ever play it after that. I havent touched it since i beat it even though there are still some skills to unlock. Its kinda pointless that they make you unlock sonics skills. I havent been able to play blur as much but it is definitely more fun to control the snowboarder than sonic. RENT sonic, BUY blur
Yes, I agree with the fact that Sonic is basicaly uncontrollable...=[
But the game is fun...to be honest, it isnt anything else, Music is annoying, the voiceovers are lame, and the controlls are difficult...but I am not a fan of SSX so...yeah...