Sonic and the Secret Rings or SSX Blur

Which game should the Show review?

  • SSX Blur

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Sonic and the Secret Rings

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2007
Northwest Indiana
Wii Online Code
I had a quick question and I wanted to poll the members.

For the Show, we currently have the resources to review one of these two games. I wanted to poll everyone and see which game you would prefer to see reviewed.

(Not sure what the Show is? Check out here.)

I was going to try to pick up Sonic today, but I thought a poll was a good idea first. Personally, I think Sonic would be a good choice because of the "questionable" vibe around the game. It seems like most people assume that SSX will be pretty good while many more people are curious about Sonic.

Leave your opinions here or e-mail me at
I think SSX is the best choice. Why is that Sonic having a "questionable" vibe make it better than SSX?

Personally, I'm pretty sure SSX will be a great game. As long as they do what they say, I'll be very happy. I can garuntee you the reviews for SSX Blur will not be that great becuase of the fact that all the tracks are old. But I'm okay with it and SSX Blur has a TON of replay value. I could still take out SSX 3 (if it worked :() and play it all day.
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I think that more people are curious about Sonic. Therefore, more people would rather see if that game is good. That is my reasoning behind the whole "questionable" thing.
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This isn't really a long term investment though. It is more just for the show. Don't worry about what I would like per se, instead vote for what you would rather see reviewed on the show.
That's kinda though, since I'm not interested in either, but get SSX Blur. SSX games are fun and Blur looks like another good one. Sonic games are not really that good.
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Well, I have decided to try to do both . Just picked up Sonic. Expect impressions in the next Show.

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