Sonic 4 ep 1 reviewed by me


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Sonic 4 ep 1 review by Castlezelda

I got a wii points card today at Target to download Sonic 4. Sonic 4 ep 1 is a game from SEGA when I upload up Sonic 4 ep 1, I hear the familiar SEGA jingle , Sonic 4 ep 1 goes on the same path as Sonic 1, Sonic 2 and Sonic & Knuckles A.K.A Sonic 3. The old School Sonic goodness when was cool Not this 3D bullsh*t that messed up his world. I never owned a Sega Genesis, my childhood neighbors did though, so I slept the the at my neighbors house a lot (even if i didn't wanna spend the night, i lied so i could, my quest was to play endless house on the Genesis playing Sonic 1, 2 and 3. Thought I never beat any of them, they were good to just kick back, chillax and play some blue bomber goodness. Sonic 4 starts out were the last game Sonic 3 left off I would guess. The controls are only the wii remote, button 2 is for spin attack and jumping, and the D-pad is to movie Sonic. In my opinion SEGA finally made a Sonic game right again, going back from my childhood, I was taken back to the days of 1991, '93 and '94.

I know this is a short review but here is my view of the game
Fun Factor-9
old school sonic

Old and new Sonic fans might enjoy this one by SEGA
I totally agree!
I think this was THE BEST game SEGA made for Sonic in a long while.
I haven't played the game onto the Wii just yet, but I did buy it through iTunes.

I also found a little (small) surprise. If you let Sonic stall for about 20 seconds, he gets out his iTouch and listens to his music and does some nifty dance thing.

Don't know what he does through the Wii if you stalled him, I just thought it was pretty neat. :lol:
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I totally agree!
I think this was THE BEST game SEGA made for Sonic in a long while.
I haven't played the game onto the Wii just yet, but I did buy it through iTunes.

I also found a little (small) surprise. If you let Sonic stall for about 20 seconds, he gets out his iTouch and listens to his music and does some nifty dance thing.

Don't know what he does through the Wii if you stalled him, I just thought it was pretty neat. :lol:


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