Some Help For A Newbie Regarding Goemon


WiiChat Member
Apr 18, 2007
Liverpool, England

I've been gaming since agbout 1989, NES was my first console, so i am a pretty big Nintendo fan. Anyway, i know this is a Wii forum, and as much as i love my Wii, i would like to ask about something else for my fist thread...

I have always loved the Mystical Ninja games, the utterly crazy, utterly camp but very funny and very enjoyable series from Konami. Now i had one on the SNES as a kid, and then i had the obscure but wonderful Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on the N64, and i would like to ask some fellow Nintendo fans these questions:

What other Goemon games have been released on Nintendo platforms?
Are they any good?
Which ones are available in Europe or for US import?

Thanks alot.
I'd love to help you because you're a fellow scouser but I have no idea about games on the SNES. Search it on Wikipedia and it should come up with a list of game appearances.
I loved the SNES one, but I never knew there was one for N64. Which means I'm also useless.
I loved the N64 Goemon Mystical Ninja game, kind of like Mario 64 but really whacky. :thumbsup: I really hope it finds its way to the VC.

There was a second Mystical Ninja game for the N64 called 'Goemon's Great Adventure', but i don't know what it was like as i never played it.

Far as i know there was only ever the one Snes game but there was a GBA port of it too.

As for finding or importing these games i don't know, i guess i'd look on ebay or somewhere like that.

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