Soccer Games On Wii

Hotspur Warrior

Mmmmmm. Wii.
Dec 27, 2006
United Kingdom
Wii Online Code
There is bound to be one, even if it isn't FIFA or Pro Evo. My question is, how will the Wii remote be used? I honestly have no idea.
i wondered about this one too, im thinking you'll probably run around with the nunchuck, sprint with Z, dodge with C or something then use the wiimote to point exactly who you want to pass too or shoot. hope they bring PES out on the wii. it would own ^_^
It'd be cool if maybe slide tackling was done with a slash motion of the wiimote. I would be upending everyone on the field.
Mario strikers charged will be one and its going to have online play!
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all_eyez_on_me_88 said:
oh yeah & mario soccer is coming out on the wii i think so maybe that will give us some insight into how the FIFA or PES games will use the wiimote
Ah yes! Completely forgot about Mario Soccer, or whatever it is going to be called. Yeah, that will give us a clue as to how soccer games will implement the Wii remote.
Pro Evolution Soccer has been confirmed for the Nintendo Wii and infact they have a version working on the Wii at Konami. However they are spending time refining it and concentrating on the best control mechanism so you could expect it in Nov next year for the Pro Evo 7.
Hotspur Warrior said:
Ah yes! Completely forgot about Mario Soccer, or whatever it is going to be called. Yeah, that will give us a clue as to how soccer games will implement the Wii remote.

Mario Strikers is the title for future reference.

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