So is the Wii more powerfull than the X-BOX?


WiiChat Member
Feb 26, 2007
I'm still yet to find this out, i know its obviously more powerful than the Gamecube and PS2 but is it more powerful than the original X-BOX?

Either way i don't really care its still a seriously awesome console :D
The tech specs are too hard to compare because the systems are designed so differently. For example, Xbox has an NVIDIA MCPX just for audio processing where as Wii apparently has audio processing in the "Hollywood GPU" But overall Wii has faster Bus speeds, larger Caches, faster and more RAM. In graphics comparisons Wii's are a bit sharper, plus its made for 480p where as Xbox can run into problems. Does controller power count, because then the Wii owns. Oh ya, its 5 years newer.
In the link above is says "729Mhz (up to 900 Mhz)" Does that mean Nintendo could overclock it someday via firmware upgrade?
yeah but you might have to upgrade fan size and it might be a little unstable theres a reason why its not clocked at 900Mhz
yeah same here. Remember most of the games out for the Wii are ports from other game systems. Like TP, it was originally developed for GC. And also some games seemed rushed to make it as a launch title. Wait until the games mature and 3rd parties start developing games from the ground up exclusively for the Wii. I think people will be amazed
Ive been trying to tell everyone the Wii is so much more powerful then most people think.the Wii has the ability to pull off great graphics,awesome game play,and life like looks.The Wii has the power it just has to be produced through the games.
The Game Cube was more powerful than the PS2. The Xbox had a hard drive, and online network, that made it in some ways more powerful than the GC. Overall the GC could push higher poly limits than any last gen system. The Wii and 360 are using software used on their previous systems. Developers will feel more at ease making games on these systems.

Over 1 year ago people thought the Wii would be dead last on the market. A lot of companies abandoned the idea of even making games on the system. However, those same companies, THQ, Activision, EA are turning around, and made entire studios dedicated to Wii games.
I quite like the comparison to the xbox, as i've NEVER heard anyone whine about normal xbox graphics.
Wow! Ageia physics card on the Wii??? I have even more respect for what the little console to do!
Citnarf said:
I'm still yet to find this out, i know its obviously more powerful than the Gamecube and PS2 but is it more powerful than the original X-BOX?

Either way i don't really care its still a seriously awesome console :D

god yes.

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