Not illegal high, prescription sleeping meds high. I take 'em when it's close to bedtime then play Goldeneye till I'm too tired and go to bed. The result of these 'zombie play' episodes are quite erratic. Sometimes I'm a super focused killing machine, other times...well, your welcome for the easy kills. Funny things happen, like double vision- Four screen versus mode all by myself. I love going to play the next day, and I'm all like, "When the hell did I unlock this gun. Dang the Gambit sucks." (It does by the way, worst of all sniper rifles, period.) Anyways, if you see me out there, and I'm not acting 'right' just shoot me, put me out of my mysery. And when I come back, do it again. I won't quit, i won't have the mental capacity to end the cycle on my own. I think I'll end this post now while the letters are dacing on the screen...woowy.
time for bed...after one last game.
time for bed...after one last game.