SNES controls with gamecube pad


WiiChat Member
Apr 3, 2007
is there any way to change the controls as when im playin world, i need y/x to run and b to jump and its awkward to get my thumb across quickly, i have to hold my pad like im playing tekken on arcade to play affectively and its not very comfortable, any ideas or should i look into buying a classic pad?
Look into buyin a PS2 pad converter
PS2 pads feel better for SNES games (mainly due to them allmost beein the same disigin)
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i have a usb ps2 style pad that wouldnt work on a wii tho would it? i dont have any ps2 controls, i have a ps1 control, dunno if that would work, ill have a look for that converter thingy
PS2 controllers get be gotten cheap and the converters are only about a fiver (£5) look on ebay for a -PS2 game to cube pad converter-
Sadly USb pads wont work
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didnt think so, alright thanks, atleast i didnt waste my money on a cube control it will come in useful when brawl comes out, whenever that may be for uk

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