Smash News Woot!


Smash King
Dec 22, 2006
Woot finally a smash bros update!:ihih:

UPDATE: Apparently the source was just an old rumor. For now,
don’t take anything involving these characters as confirmations in either direction, in or out. However, the Ogawa comment regarding Sonic still stands.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is probably somewhere in every Wii owner’s or future Wii owner’s top five games they want this year. There’s no doubt people have spent the last few years debating and speculating about the new game’s character roster.

The game’s director, Masashiro Sakurai, recently spoke on a Japanese radio show about the game. We’ll start with the bad news. The following characters will NOT be returning to the game’s roster: Young Link, Mr. Game & Watch, and the Ice Climbers. While reports don’t include the reasons for the removal of these characters, I think it’s safe to say a clone, an unknown, and a pair of characters with pretty lame moves won’t be missed by too many people. Personally though, I’d take Game & Watch or Ice Climbers back as long as they get rid of Pichu.

Now for some good news. Sakurai was able to confirm the arrival of Bowser Jr. to the game. Will he be a clone of Bowser? I’m thinking not, since Sakurai seems to be taking his time with this game, so I have a feeling we’re going to see less clones this time around. Next up, Link from The Wind Waker will be entering the ring. As to how his moves will differ from Young Link remains to be seen, but his inclusion makes sense with The Wind Waker being the most recent incarnation of “boy” Link, as well as the next one (in Phantom Hourglass). Lastly, Metroid’s Ridley will finally be playable in the Super Smash Bros. series. With Samus, Zero Suit Samus, and Ridley in Brawl and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption all coming this year, this is definately a year for Metroid.

Aside from Sakurai’s interview, Sonic and the Secret Rings director Yojiro Ogawa recently told the Nintendo Official Magazine that he would love to see Sonic in Brawl. “In my personal opinion, it would be great to have Sonic in it. But that would really involve Sonic and Nintendo’s management, it’s nothing to do with me!” Hopefully, Ogawa’s expressed desires will have more weight on the Brawl team than the fans do. I know some people around my dorm that desperately want Sonic in this game - as do I.
Smash Bros. Source
Cool news. I buy the ONM so :thumbsup: as for Sonic I don't think he will be in it. And if he does it will be the lastest of the Arrivials.
A link or two would be nice...I hate the Ridley news...way too big for Smash. Bowser Jr on the other hand will be alright I think. Assuming any of this is true. Glad Pichu is still in there tho!
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I think sonic will be in it for this reason. They purposely released a current sonic game for Wii, Because of this now hes a more known face to nintendo... (Although everyone better know who sonic is lol) But now that he is in a major game close to release i think he'll be in it for sure or at least i hope so :cornut:
I was actually thinking the other day, how awesome ridley would be, with his taunt being that screeching noise he makes. Not so interested in bowser jr.
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Wait... Wind Waker Link? WTF Can He Do? I Bet His Special Move Will Be To Put The Character In A Tornado Or Something!:D

Ridley Seems Like Hes Gonna Be Big And Hard To Control!
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Yeah im not really excited about ridley myself although wind walker link and bowser jr sound fun!
WOOHOO Ridley :D :D :D

KingOfKlutch said:
Woot finally a smash bros update!:ihih:

UPDATE: Apparently the source was just an old rumor. For now,
don’t take anything involving these characters as confirmations in either direction, in or out. However, the Ogawa comment regarding Sonic still stands.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl is probably somewhere in every Wii owner’s or future Wii owner’s top five games they want this year. There’s no doubt people have spent the last few years debating and speculating about the new game’s character roster.

The game’s director, Masashiro Sakurai, recently spoke on a Japanese radio show about the game. We’ll start with the bad news. The following characters will NOT be returning to the game’s roster: Young Link, Mr. Game & Watch, and the Ice Climbers. While reports don’t include the reasons for the removal of these characters, I think it’s safe to say a clone, an unknown, and a pair of characters with pretty lame moves won’t be missed by too many people. Personally though, I’d take Game & Watch or Ice Climbers back as long as they get rid of Pichu.

Now for some good news. Sakurai was able to confirm the arrival of Bowser Jr. to the game. Will he be a clone of Bowser? I’m thinking not, since Sakurai seems to be taking his time with this game, so I have a feeling we’re going to see less clones this time around. Next up, Link from The Wind Waker will be entering the ring. As to how his moves will differ from Young Link remains to be seen, but his inclusion makes sense with The Wind Waker being the most recent incarnation of “boy” Link, as well as the next one (in Phantom Hourglass). Lastly, Metroid’s Ridley will finally be playable in the Super Smash Bros. series. With Samus, Zero Suit Samus, and Ridley in Brawl and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption all coming this year, this is definately a year for Metroid.

Aside from Sakurai’s interview, Sonic and the Secret Rings director Yojiro Ogawa recently told the Nintendo Official Magazine that he would love to see Sonic in Brawl. “In my personal opinion, it would be great to have Sonic in it. But that would really involve Sonic and Nintendo’s management, it’s nothing to do with me!” Hopefully, Ogawa’s expressed desires will have more weight on the Brawl team than the fans do. I know some people around my dorm that desperately want Sonic in this game - as do I.
Smash Bros. Source


Wait a second... if all the older charators like DK and Peach and Luigi are going to be in the game, Why has no one seen snapshots of them? You see, that's what scares me, Everyones seen pics of the new mario and link and stuff, but if all those other charactors are in the game... Where are the snap shots of them? were are the gameplay vidios of them? it's so... weird...
Well that's something but I still just want to see a gameplay video...

Incredibly brief info, a few glossed up trailors, and several screenshots from the trailors isn't enough...
KingOfKlutch said:
I think sonic will be in it for this reason. They purposely released a current sonic game for Wii, Because of this now hes a more known face to nintendo... (Although everyone better know who sonic is lol) But now that he is in a major game close to release i think he'll be in it for sure or at least i hope so :cornut:
That reason being so that Wii gamers could have something Sonic to play while 360 and whoever else could play Sonic Wild Fire.

I don't really care who is/isn't confirmed to be in Brawl. My guy (Link) is in for a fact, so I'm set.
Heard this news about 3 times now...I guess it's cool, but I'd rather see a couple other char's in SSBB as well. Ridley will probably be my favorite, he's such a different shape, and i'll like to see his size.
At the start of Melee he is close in size to Samus so don't expect a monolith Ridley

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