Skylanders problem with usb sync help needed!


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2011
Hi all,
not sure where to put this so here goes:
I have Skylanders (not online) and played it ok yesterday but today whilst playing a message came up on the screen saying 'put a skylander ont he portal' but there was already one on there. I changed for a different skylander and the message was stil there. I switched the console off then on and then got a message saying 'can't find the usb wireless receiver'.
So I can't play the game.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am having the exact same issue. Everything was fine last night, then I got a message "can't find portal" Since this message came up before and new batteries solved the issue, I tried changing them again (by the way, I've had to change batteries 3 times in the last 5 days!). This time the battery change didn't help, get the same message "Can't find the Portal of Power". I've turned the unit on/off. I've removed the USB and plugged it back in. I've synced the USB. I've tried different batteries (new Duracel). Nothing works. HELP! Please
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Damn joke when its a main xmas present that can't be used!
I've contacted Nintendo but they pass the buck to activision who have not responded to calls or emails.
In addition the figures you need to complete the game will cost in the region of £300 and I've heard 15 more are being released this month.
Taking it back for a refund!

Just been on the phone to Activision as I got an email today saying the receiver is faulty and it cna be replaced under warranty.
However, the same thing could happen again and they realise this fault and are working on it.
Fat lot of good if you have to keep sending it back over and over again. They should withdraw it until they have it working perfectly.
Definitely getting a refund!
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I had the same problem. Could not sync the portal with the Wii. I borrowed a Wii from my neighbor connected the usd dongle, started the Wii and it was able to sync. I switched off my neighbor's Wii connected the usb dongle back on my Wii, switched it on and it was able to sync with the portal. I don't know if the fix is permanent.
One question : have you *ever* connected another device to one of the Wii usb ports ?
which one ?
I had the same fault when I first got my wii 5 years ago but I have a cousin who works on video games so he fixe and no I haven't
It is sensible to compare something that doesn't work properly even though it's for sale and supposed to work to Treyarch's Call of Duty series, since Treyarch never releases the game and it's perfect as is. They always have balancing issues, glitches, etc. because they don't properly test games prior to releasing them.

In other words, comparing something to Treyarch implies they have failed miserably.
After a long time of troubleshooting I found out that the USB hub likes to be positioned a certain way. I pushed it in fully and saw no red light. So I lightly started pulling it out and the red light came on. Then I quickly pressed the portal sync button and it worked! Seems that my problem may be something physical with the USB plug.

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