Simpsons character elimination


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
The LoZ and SSB caracter elimination are doing pretty good so i decided to try a totaly non nintendo related one. The simpsons. Same rules as the other ones. U can only post once a day. Characters health may not raise above 30. And u most repost the characters health everytime u hurt or heal someone. You may not make any bigger change then 3hp. I will post all the characters I know. If you see one that I missed or if I got someones name wrong feel free to tell me and ill fix it.

Heal Homer +3

(25)Grandpa Simpson
(25)Santa's little helper
(25)Nelson's Dad(the burgular guy.)
(25)Chief Williams(or whatever his name is.)
(25)Mr. Burns
(25)Principal Skinner


Thats all the characters I could think of for now. If you know of any other ones please tell me.
Hurt Mr. Burns

(25)Grandpa Simpson
(25)Santa's little helper
(25)Nelson's Dad(the burgular guy.)
(25)Chief Williams(or whatever his name is.)
(25)Principal Skinner
(22)Mr. Burns

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Adding a couple more people I just remerbered.

(25)Grandpa Simpson
(25)Santa's little helper
(25)Chief Wiggums
(25)Principal Skinner
(25)Reverend Lovejoy(I think thats his name.)
(25)Bart's teacher person(whats her name.)
(22)Mr. Burns
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whatthefreak said:
Adding a couple more people I just remerbered.

(25)Grandpa Simpson
(25)Santa's little helper
(25)Nelson's Dad(the burgular guy.)
(25)Chief Williams(or whatever his name is.)
(25)Principal Skinner
(25)Reverend Lovejoy(I think thats his name.)
(25)Bart's teacher person(whats her name.)
(22)Mr. Burns

for someone who looks like a simpsons fan, you sure don't know much about it..
-Snake is not nelson's dad
-its chief Wiggum

lots more mistakes, but you get the point..
think i'll just stick to the ssbb game.
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Dude ya snake is nelson's dad. Don't really remeber which episode it was but one of them said he was.
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(25)Grandpa Simpson
(25)Santa's little helper
(25)Chief Wiggum
(25)Ned Flanders
(25)Principal Skinner
(25)Reverend Lovejoy(I think thats his name.)
(25)Mrs. Crabapple
(25)Comic book guy
(22)Mr. Burns
whatthefreak said:
I didnt double post.
I would actually suggest not trying to start a fight when clearly, you did.
perhaps you don't actually know what double posting is?
We all start somewhere, just don't try to defend your actions too much if you are not too knowledgable on the subject.
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  • #12
Double posting - posting the same post two times it aint that hard to figure out.
whatthefreak said:
Double posting - posting the same post two times it aint that hard to figure out.
I'm sorry but that could actually not be more wrong.
double posting is simply posting two times in a row..
like i said, dont mouth off on a topic your unsure about.
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  • #14
Holy crap could you be anymore stupid thats the same thing I said I just said it differently.
whatthefreak said:
Holy crap could you be anymore stupid thats the same thing I said I just said it differently.
You are honestly amazing me with your continuous stupidity.
It is posting two times in a row (which you did)
NOT posting the same thing two times in a row (which you did NOT do)

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