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  • #4
paintba||er said:
There has been so many threads like this. And obviously if you ask that on a Wii forum they are all gonna say that it is.
good point. lol.
Lol, I made a the same thread, everybody said yes :p :lol:
Judging by the reactions of people when someone's playing one at GameStop, yes, I'd say it's definitely worth buying.
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  • #7
i went to gamecrazy and started to play one and i was immediatly having fun just navigating the channel guide thing...or whatever. hehe... but then the controller kept wanting to go to the menu where you pick to continue playing or go back to the wii menu, as if i was hitting the menu button. i asked the guy at the counter what was goin on and he was like "you're hitting the button" and he gave me a retarded smirk and pressed the button to get out of it. it happened 3 times after that and I WASN't hitting the button. anyway... hahaha.