Sick of noob &tired of spammer. Then come on down


Feb 6, 2007
In Scotland
Wii Online Code
If you have notiiced the recent influx of n00bs and spammers then you should start to think, how can you help wiichat get rid of these unholy people.

Well there is one thing we could do
Ban them which just means more mods and thats hard because i0n has to find someone who can take up that task of being here to supervise

So I ask of you now to think up ways in which all of us at wiichat can do to stop them destroying this brilliant site.

I think one way is to try and educate the noobs so that they don't do this sort of thing, but I know with certain few of them you can't because they are only here to annoy.

So all put you're heads together and think of a way to help you're site out because

Its not what wiichat can do for you, its what you can do for wiichat!
Not everyone who has recently joined is a "noob". Also there is no need for more than one thread on this subject.
I say give them a newcomer only section and they can only post in other sections once they got enough priveleges e.g. posted more then 20, or they've been a member for 2 days, maybe the posted bit will cause more spam though i0n could make it so all posts in the newcomer section dont show up in new posts if thats possible.
Not needed. Basically what you're saying is every newcomer is a noob, which is wrong. Also theres no need to create a whole section for them. Another point would be that those members could easily spam up to twenty posts in that section. Along with the fact that it would mean more work for moderators.

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