Shovelware ( bad games ).. Some can entertain; Some should have developers shut down


Strikers Champ
Aug 9, 2007
Tampa Bay, Florida
Wii Online Code
Some 'shovelware' is so bad that it's fun..
I drove all the way around my county yesterday to pick up Target Terror and Spy Games Elevator Mission..
They were the last copies in the entire area..
I actually had their respective Gamestops hold them.

Some games are so terrible, that they're discontinued. They become rare and their prices drop dramatically.
In way, it makes the game more interesting and worth taking a humorous look at.

However, I do own Anubis II.. Haha yeah..
That was also rare so only one Gamestop had it around here - They held it and I drove to it..
Anubis II is indeed a game so bad, that it's completely unacceptable.
Furthermore, why the British police haven't arrested every employee at Data Design Interactive, is appalling.
Everything they release gives the Wii a bad name. They define shovelware.

I figured this thread could be useful in ways; as not every game that gets a bad score by major reviewers lacks some entertainment..
For instance, both IGN and Gamezone feel that Target Terror is terrible in terms of quality - but hilariously entertaining and too much fun to pass up once it makes its way to the 'price drop bin'.

Nonetheless, other shovelware titles should make the company be held accountable with force by the authorities.

I think Wii must be getting a thread about shovelware every week now
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I think Wii must be getting a thread about shovelware every week now

Haha the troll that they won't ban.. probably because they feel bad knowing that you live on here. You're always starting ****, and someone should really get you to knock it off.

Anyway and much more importantly, unfortunately having to address that random garbage - This thread is a 'pro-shovelware' thread, if you wanna call it that.. So it's unique and different idea to talk about.
probably because they feel bad knowing that you live on here. You're always starting ****, and someone should really get you to knock it off.

Live on here?
How dose one become a being that only exists online and not of any actual bodily mass?
I ask cause it would save loads on bills
Yeah, it's true there's some shovelware fun and entertainig

For example, the only Data Desing (DSI) game that appears more than passable is:

"Battle Rage", you can see the developers put some effort

I hope DSI will start puting more effort in the next games, and the people stop saying DSI a shovelware developer...
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Yeah, it's true there's some shovelware fun and entertainig

For example, the only Data Desing (DSI) game that appears more than passable is:

"Battle Rage", you can see the developers put some effort

I hope DSI will start puting more effort in the next games, and the people stop saying DSI a shovelware developer...

I'm utilizing my right to return some games with Gamestop's 7-Day policy today..
Counter Force, Anubis II and Spy Games Elevator Mission are retarded..
It all started out as a cheap joke with the friends
but then I realized I could pick up Dead Rising CTYD with those funds :D

Also as a heads up, I just checked their boxes and
'UFO Interactive'
'Conspiracy Entertainment'
had something to do with every one of those games I mentioned above..

Wow - what happened to the standards of Nintendo's 'Golden Seal of Quality'
Wow - what happened to the standards of Nintendo's 'Golden Seal of Quality'
Nothing ever happened to it
It gets put on every game since the NES and that had a lot of shite on there
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Nothing ever happened to it
It gets put on every game since the NES and that had a lot of shite on there

I know this has been posted on the site many times, that's why I wanted to point out a 'positive' shovelware game
( I.E. Target Terror imo )
but the Wii is becoming uniquely notorious for bad shovelware..
Since I went deliberately shopping around for bad games being a smart ass,
I can report specific findings that should disqualify these games from being marketed..

Direct reasons why these games shouldn't pass quality approval:

- Anubis II -
They shouldn't make a clone of a game that was universally panned - Ninjabread Man
It's extremely buggy with absolutely 'no melee hit detection'
It's way too short, being completed in less than an hour..
There's no multiplayer
Extremely sub-par graphics
This is the prime example, and Nintendo needs to filter out this kind of garbage.

- Counter Force -
Reminds me of Iridion 3D on the GBA..
The entire game must be played on a straight path
The game requires you to play through without saving
( I guess their trying to get you to obtain a higher score each time )
There's no multiplayer
Extremely sub-par graphics

- Spy Games: Elevator Mission -
Lmao this was a Target Exclusive for a reason..
A FPS that must be played on a straight path through hallways..
You can't strafe
Clone enemies which are absolutely ridiculous
Shooting an enemy in the toe kills most enemies, and they 'scream' the same
You start with an infinite ammo pistol, which dominates the entire game
There's no multiplayer
Extremely sub-par graphics

Cheap, but I would avoid these games..
Some shovelware is so bad that it's funny or entertaining in a weird way..
Those three mentioned above are absolutely not in that category.
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...the Wii is becoming uniquely notorious for bad shovelware..

I still say the PS2 had loads of Shovelware as well. I just think because of the Wii's controller and its family-friendly image, the gaming community scrutinizes it more for it. Also there was a pretty big gap where there was very few blockbuster hits coming out so that made the shovelware titles more apparant.
because of the Wii's controller and its family-friendly image
bingo. game-ignorant parents will now see some lousy game bragging about some novelty movements, and get it for their kids/grandkids, its a shame.

target terror was a cheap ripoff (read: directly copied/different textures) of ghost squad.
In my opinion, all shovelware is bad.

Not only are they bad games overall, they give the Wii a poorer image.
Yeah, it's true there's some shovelware fun and entertainig

For example, the only Data Desing (DSI) game that appears more than passable is:

"Battle Rage", you can see the developers put some effort

I hope DSI will start puting more effort in the next games, and the people stop saying DSI a shovelware developer...

No, DSI lived down to their reputation with Battle Rage. For example, look at thi review on this beer coaster of a 'game':

Besides the crap-quality of the game, DSI conveniently and quietly left out the hyped '3D' mode promoted only a month earlier.

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