Should I get COD Modern Warfare Reflex as I alreadly have WOW...


WiiChat Member
Dec 15, 2009
Wii Online Code
I could have posted this in wii gaming section but then it would have got 1000 views and 0 replies soooo... should I get this game? I already have world at war and IMO its quite limited in regards to online play, there isnt anymore than 7 maps (if that) does reflex have more to offer? keep in mind I only play COD online, story mode has not relevance to me.

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*sigh* leaves wiichat so long
Yes. Reflex is a lot better than WAW, especially in terms of the online multiplayer. It has all the maps and game modes of the 360/PS3 versions, in fact I think the only thing that it is missing is splitscreen multiplayer.

After buying Reflex I traded in WAW because its online play was weak in comparisson and I'd completed the campaign several times already. Reflex is the best FPS on the Wii, end of.

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