Should I buy a Wii?

Zero the Hero

WiiChat Member
May 13, 2007
Let me start off by saying hi.
Here's my story; I am a 360 owner, quite happy with it so far. I'm building a theater in my house and moving my 360/HD-DVD player in there, so my family room where i play now will be without a console. I was originally going to buy a second 360 so I wouldn't have to carry it up and down stairs depending on whether i wanted to play on a 55" TV or a 92" screen...

Then I thought, why not get something different? PS3 is out b/c I hate Sony and want blu-ray (blurry) to fail.

So, I started looking at the Wii. I love RPG's, and the wife could use something more her speed to play since she already finished Viva Pinata, and she's not into Gears of War (big surprise...).

The question is, I see Zelda's got great reviews, but that's about it...
Are there any other decent games to play on this system? I know this is a loaded question and I'm not trying to start anything, I'm asking from the perspective of a 30 something year old adult (with the mentality of a 15 year old).

I love RPGs and FPS. What do you suggest?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Yes, several, warioware, super paper mario, madden 07, call of duty 3, etc.
im just looking forward to the resident evil titles...

get it if you want if not dont, this doesnt deserve a thread...
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I should state that I'm not really into sports games.
I've played COD3 on 360, and the only thing really decent about it was multiplayer, which I think the 360 would have the Wii beat, no?
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chach said:
im just looking forward to the resident evil titles...

get it if you want if not dont, this doesnt deserve a thread...

Just trying to get some honest opinions. I'd hate to buy a console for one game. I did love Resident Evil on Playstation, glad to hear there are titles coming.
Zero the Hero said:
Just trying to get some honest opinions. I'd hate to buy a console for one game. I did love Resident Evil on Playstation, glad to hear there are titles coming.

look around here, you will find plenty of games that are to come that your wife might like, heck have her sit on here and surf around the site and decide for herself :D.
heres a few....

You sound like a guy who likes violent, yet appealing games. Godfather: Blackhand Edition my friend...look it up on youtube and what not.

Metroid Prime 3 will be here soon. a BIG Nintendo hit. (FPS) its something to buy a wii for.

Super Mario Galaxy/Paper Mario....hearing great things, and they could fit your "RPG" criteria.

Hope i helped. (BTW...those games are just the tip of the iceberg)
Get a wii man! ps you must be filthy rich to be able to offord a 92inch and a 55 inch tv!:crazy: :crazy: i got a 19 inch standard tv....:lol:
Yes, it's a definate buy. It has an edge over the PS3 with prices and strait out fun gameplay. The new way of gaming (Wii Remote motion sensing) is amazing and accurate. If you but it, you'll have a great time alone, and with freinds.

EDIT: Post #666. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
I say GET ONE. The first day I got Wii I played Wii Sports for around 7 hours with my brother. Boxing is the best Wii Sport, and it is the hardest, but all the Wii Sports are simple for anyone to pick up and play

I suggest Super Mario Galaxy when it comes out

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