Shop Channel Playing Up?

Hotspur Warrior

Mmmmmm. Wii.
Dec 27, 2006
United Kingdom
Wii Online Code
I haven't been able to access the Shop Channel at all tonight. I click it, get to the loading screen and then nothing happens. First time I left it five minutes, second time I tried I left it ten minutes, and third time I left it for half an hour. Each time it didn't get past the loading screen.

I thought it might be my internet, but that is okay. Then I thought it could be that my Wii isn't picking up the wireless signal, but I accessed Forecast Channel and Internet Channel just fine. I tried the Shop Channel again just now, and it still isn't working.

Really frustrating, because I purchased a classic controller earlier today and I was looking forward to downloading something retro and playing.

Has anyone else encountered problems with the Shop Channel in the past few hours?
it could be because the servers are packed. I wasent able to get on the other day and i kept on getting the same error code as a lot of people, but then i was able to get on later that day. So that could be the reason
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I'm not even getting an error code though. I'm just getting to the loading screen, with the spinning blue ring thing, and then nothing happens.

It has to be a problem/issue at Nintendo's end rather than mine, because as I say, the Internet Channel and Forecast Channel are working just fine, as is my normal internet.
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Stupid bloody thing, it still isn't working. I want to download Ristar and Bonk's Adventure!

Anyone else in the UK having problems with the Shop Channel?
Yup, l haven't been able to get on for days (since Christmas Day l believe) in the UK.

Pain in the backside as l put about 5,000 points on my account about 2 minutes before it started going ker-put.
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Is the same happening with you as with me? Getting to the loading screen and then nothing happening?

And yeah, it is a pain in the ass, especially when you've already got Wii Points on there. I have a thousand Wii Points on there, and I was going to purchase another 1,000 last night and download Bonk's Adventure and Ristar. Haven't been able to connect though, god damn it.

Last time I was able to connect was Boxing Day, I believe. I wish I'd downloaded the games then rather than dallying and waiting to get my Classic Controller.
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Hope this doesn't count as double posting, because I'm making a valid update to the thread. I hate double posting as much as you all do, but some forums have different interpretations of what qualifies as a double post.

Anyway.... I've just managed to get on the Shop Channel. I made one hopeless, desperate last attempt to get on there, which is actually my 9th today. As I typed away on my keyboard I was shocked to hear the glorious Shop Channel music, and look up to see the Welcome page.

I'm off to download either Ristar or Bonk's Adventure, or both.

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