Shiren the Wanderer Boss Battles Video and Screenshots Released-1.052010-01-23 09:05:22Maura S
AtlusUSA has today released a video from their much-anticipated new Wii game, Shiren the Wanderer, which introduces some of the bosses you’ll be facing in the game as you make your way through the perilous dungeons. The bosses have all been inspired by Japanese mythology, and if this quote from the final official blog entry from project lead Scott Strichart is anything to go by, you’d better bring your A game when you step up to face them!
“Shiren and crew will be stomped, slapped, shot, stabbed, and otherwise maimed if you aren’t prepared to face each boss with a strategy in mind. And sometimes, even if you ARE!”

Apparently one of the more terrifying bosses in the game, the Karakuri Rose, can swallow you and your allies whole, while Strichart cites an encounter with six samurai known as the Battle Spirits as being another particularly challenging boss confrontation.
Ulp! This looks like being one for those who like their RPGs old-school and hardcore! Shiren the Wanderer will be released for Wii on 9th February.