shiping question


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
I might have to ship my wii into the Big N, whenever I put a game in my wii the motor spins louder and louder. Does anyone have a experience with this shipping the wii into Nintendo. like do they transfer the data onto a new wii or do they actually attempt the fix it. Any info would be nice I am clueless.
I didn't know where to write under.
thiss would probably be under hardware.

but they would be trying to fix the machine. i doubt they would just load everything over to a brand new machine.
also it would be a good idea to backup your save-game files (except for online games, which you can't do) onto a SD card.
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yeah i totally we had a hardware section on wiichat so i apologize but i coped and pasted the question under hardware

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