Shigeru Miyamoto Says he’s Working on Nintendo’s Next Big Hit


Super Moderator
Jul 7, 2011

According to Eurogamer, Nintendo’s legendary Senior Managing Director, Shigeru Miyamoto has turned his attention from overseeing the latest Zelda and Mario games to thinking about creating totally new games. He made the revelation in a presentation at Nintendo’s Third Quarter Financial Results Briefing in Japan last week, where he said that he is “spending more time than before on finding new ideas for new developments rather than focusing my energy on work in my (development) teams in order to solidify the contents of (existing) franchise titles.” He went on to say that he feels that finding Nintendo’s next “big hit” is his main job. And although the Nintendo executives at the presentation didn’t give much away about the Wii U, Miyamoto did have a few words to say about Nintendo’s next console, saying that Nintendo has designed the Wii U to be “different from any other hardware system.” He declined to elaborate further on the new console’s network functions, but he did say that Nintendo was “taking into consideration its network-related capabilities,” adding, “the bottom line is the number of new things which are possible only on Wii U we can create.”[/FONT]


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