Seven Sega titles unveiled for the Virtual Console


Apr 30, 2006
Game rating website ESRB lists the following seven Sega titles when searching for the Wii console:

* Altered Beast
* Columns
* Ecco the Dolphin
* Golden Axe
* Ristar
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Toe Jam & Earl

While this isn't an official confirmation that the games are Wii-bound, it does seem to confirm that they have at least been submitted for ESRB rating, a logical first step.

Ah boy Echo the Dolphin :D

The two Sega games I wanted the most are on there... now that is super cool.

Don't think I'll use virtual console though if I have to buy a whole new controller just to use it. I already have them emulated on my comptuer, which has a controller, and if I really want to get serious I can dust off the old Mega Drive and use it.
Altered Beast
* Columns
* Ecco the Dolphin
* Golden Axe
* Ristar
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Toe Jam & Earl
The 4 highlighted ones are games I used to own!

Toe Jam & Earl was my favourite, I loved it! Doubt I will really use VC though, although it will be good to know that these games are at are disposal!!, I wonder if Bubsy will be a VC title...(anyone remember this?...this really was my favourite!)
Bubsy was great... 'till he went 3D

Golden Axe was one of my favourite games, but I hated Echo the Dolphin. I don't know why I hated it, I just did. Also me and my mate use to always play Toe Jam & Earl, mainly 'cos we always use to fight other who got to be Tails in sonic 2 but in Toe Jam & Earl I was always Earl.
I was hoping for Streets of Rage, but I'll gladly take Golden Axe. :cool:
Nice to see the forgotten gem Ristar as well (also available as a secret game on Sonic Mega Collection).
Leviathan said:
Bubsy was great... 'till he went 3D
So true...Bubsy 3D was pure rubbish.

Napalmbrain, thanks for mentioning streets of rage! OMG the best game I ever used to own! I always used to play as Blaze, she was the best!

I wonder if there will be this other game...I cant remember the name, but it used to scare me... used to play as this elephant (wearing a nice hat), and you used to shoot peanuts out of your trunk. One of the bosses on the game was this mad pizza maker, and he used to throw pizzas at you :sick: It was enough to give me nightmares!
i0n said:
* Altered Beast
* Columns
* Ecco the Dolphin
* Golden Axe
* Ristar
* Sonic the Hedgehog
* Toe Jam & Earl
The resion im starting to hate sega
SONIC WOOOOOOOO you can get the lot on one bloody disc (make that two but the pal version has the us sonic cd music)
Golden axe is past it Streets of rage 2 and 3 ftw
Colums a game me and my mum can play (not like last time started at 7pm finished at 1am paused continued next day)
Ristar played to death on mega drive
Toe jam and Earl (but not 2 )
Thats mabe becuse MICROSOFT OWN RARE
if you ownd a rival company whold you yet yoor asset that you paid millions for make games for another console ?
look i know god you make me depressed but thx for pointing out the obvious but i just hate plp saying i hate sega because with out dev companys nintendo would be nothing so there ok?
I don't wan't any of those games personaly, I'm ok having all the NES, SNES and N64 games.

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