Sensor Bar Troubles

sherlock12 said:
I'm having a hard time setting up the sensor bar. The pointer goes insane on me and blinks around the screen. HOW DO I SET UP THE FREAKIN' SENSOR BAR !
you MUST place the sensor bar where you can be sure to see the front of it from all angles

i used a dab of hotglue to mount mine to the bottom front of the TV

my TV is mounted 5' up on the wall... i configured the wii to think i mounted the sensor bar on top of the TV, but i actaully hotglued it to the bottom.. this helps me hold the remote in a very natural position.

(remember just a dab of hotglue)

if your pointer is all jittery then you have another light source nearby... the remote has a 45 degree peripheral vision... turn off all other lights and block windows near your TV until you figure out which light source it is.

you can lower the sensitivy of the remote in the wii menus... i found 3 to be a good universal setting... you may need a lower setting...

need more info?
lol, personally I find that gluing the sensor bar is a bit too extreme, why not just use some clear tape? It works just as well and leaves you with the option of moving it in the future. :p Also, the Wii comes with a little sensor bar stand that you can use if you have the TV on a stand or desk or surface.

@sherlock - idjut made some good points, make sure there isn't a major source of infrared light right next to your TV, and place the sensor bar either directly above or below the TV. Also, be sure to be at least two to three feet away, any closer and it does get wacky. You can find some sensor options in the Wii menu that you might want to play with (if you can get to those menus with jittery controls..).
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I moved it too the bottom of my T.V and that helps. But the weird thing is that it will suddenly act up at random times. I'm trying to figure out where the blindspots are. Thanks a bunch guys:smilewinkgrin: . A big problem is that the t.v is set at an angle. It's on a stand in front of a corner. <| like that. The seating kinda makes a half squarE around that so it's tricky to set the sensor bar where it can see most of the room. I guess I can just expiriement till I find that one place. :sick:

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