Sensor Bar Question


Nov 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
ok I dont have my Wii yet but I read somewhere that the sensor bar could attatch to a tv on the top or bottom, my situation is i have a 32" LCD on my wall and if im sitting down, the bottom of the screen is about eye level, if i am standing up, eye level about 1/4 from the top, i am sitting/standing about 4 feet away from the TV, where should i put the sensor bar for best results? I'm sure i could find an answer to this if i search the forums for a bit, but to be honest im too lazy lol.
I don't own a wii, just played with it for about 7 hours at a friends, fun every minute. But anyway, for me, it didn't matter what level I was at with the bar, it never affected where the wii-mote would go. But the top of the TV is a sure fire bet in my opinion.
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ftcmark said:
I don't own a wii, just played with it for about 7 hours at a friends, fun every minute. But anyway, for me, it didn't matter what level I was at with the bar, it never affected where the wii-mote would go. But the top of the TV is a sure fire bet in my opinion.
Alright, thanks man, appreciate it :)
I have a 51" Sony Wega and it sits diagnolly to a wall on a small cabinet thing...when I'm standing my eyes are probably over the top and when im sitting maybe in the middle of the screen. My sensor bar is mounted on the top of the TV and I have great results both sitting and standing. However, abide my the 3-8 feet away rule...when i get further than 8 feet away, the wiimote pointer acts jittery on the home menu screen. when i move closer, its fine. So just a heads up. (you said you'd be 4 feet away, which is a perfect distance IMO)
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Scuba Kid said:
I have a 51" Sony Wega and it sits diagnolly to a wall on a small cabinet thing...when I'm standing my eyes are probably over the top and when im sitting maybe in the middle of the screen. My sensor bar is mounted on the top of the TV and I have great results both sitting and standing. However, abide my the 3-8 feet away rule...when i get further than 8 feet away, the wiimote pointer acts jittery on the home menu screen. when i move closer, its fine. So just a heads up. (you said you'd be 4 feet away, which is a perfect distance IMO)

Yeah what i have here is a rather small room, with my king size bed taking up most of it and about 4-5 feet between the bed and the wall where my TV is, i use the tv for my Xbox 360 and as a computer monitor, and for the most part i should be about 4 feet at all times, i dont see myself all the way at the back of my bed playing my Wii so i shouldnt pass the 8 foot mark :p

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