Sensor Bar Question


WiiChat Member
Aug 29, 2006
Hey everyone! My first post here, great forum!

I've got a quick question relating to the sensor bar for the Wii. Is it easily removable and replaceable on different TV's? I plan on utilizing the WiFi connecion to move around my house when needed, i.e. My room, office downstairs, and Living Room (biggest TV in house). So would it be fit for this situation?
im assuming it is connected to the wii through one simple cable, and will work on any tv. I have a small portable in my room, and am also hoping that it will work on this and the one in the living room.

presumably, any changes about the tv in use either wont affect it or will be easily noted on wii's menu.

Im sure nintendo will make it as easy as possible, as always...

I wouldnt worry about it...
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Hmm, I hope it works out in our favor, as I'm sure it will. I can't see Nintendo doing something that would screw over a lot of customers, becuase I'm sure a lot of people are planning on moving/taking your Wii places.
it plugs into your console like a controller and just sits on top (or bottom) of your TV so it can be moved pretty easy
I Just Hope That Theyll Have SOme SOrt Of Adhesive Or Something SO It Doesnt Fall Off...
But won't i get the TV sticky if an adhesive is used?
and what if the Bar isn't long enough for someone's TV, or too long?
How much will It cost?
I really think Nintendo needs to tell more.
of coure it will come with package and i think if u want you can stick some blu tack on the ends
I_WANT_WII said:
But won't i get the TV sticky if an adhesive is used?
and what if the Bar isn't long enough for someone's TV, or too long?
How much will It cost?
I really think Nintendo needs to tell more.

Ive also thoguht of that for a while, wat if the bar is not long enough for someones tv or too long? How do u think they would have countered this problem? And nintendo will tell us everything in time my friend..
maybe the bigger your TV they just crop the game so its fits and if its to small they again crop it. But then it would make it blurry or squishy. ohhhhh well time can only tell.
you will be able to calibrate your controller... thats been said somewhere before.. .this will include the ability to set up your motion and what/where the sensor picks it up... so if you have a big TV the little sensor will probably work just as well as a little one... once you have calibrated it correctly...
(unless your TV is 6ft wide... at which point you should cut it in half and give part of it to me...)

when you say sensor bar is seems like your talking about the Wii sensor bar, how far away you can connect depends on your wireless range, not the wii. and yah from what ive seen it only has 2 plugs, havent seen the sensor bar plug though o.0
--"wait.....wha.....sensor bar i thought that was the blue light on the im retarted.....can someone send me a picture of the sensor bar so i know what it is"

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