Search Tutorial


Dec 15, 2006
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Wii Online Code

With so many people yelling "SEARCH!! YOU (insert expletive)" I decided to help out all you n00bs and teach you about the search feature here at Wiichat.

Here is where you can find it. It's been highlighted for easy finding.


Now, if you are feeling brave, you might type in something in the text box and press go. If not, press the ADVANCED SEARCH link.

Go ahead and You will come to a page that looks like this:

There are only(!!) 8 simple steps to proper searching, each outlined in the above picture

1. Enter your keywords that you want to search for. Be not too general and not too specific. For example, if you want to know how to get back to the wii menu when playing a gamecube game. (a question that will get you killed out there) don't enter "gamecube" as that will turn up too many answers. Also, don't enter "back to wii menu playing gamecube game" as that won't get you any. Instead, Search for "gamecube wii menu" or simply "gamecube reset". (yes, you might have to think up words like that on your own)

EDIT: If you are searching for words 4 letters long or less
Dakuda said:
If you wish to search for a three letter word, add a wildcard after the word.

For instance Wii* = search for Wii


etc. That is a common workaround in vbulletin forums, since vb's search is so server intensive.

2. This is an alternative to 1. If you know the person who posted a topic that you would like to find again, simply type in that persons username and select either their posts, or threads. You can use them together if you are looking for a specific post by a person you remember. LMAO, only used when proving your arguments.

3. Not really that great of a feature, you can limit your results to a certain size. Most of the time this will be set to "at least" "0" replies

4. If you know when you have seen the thread you are looking for within a certain timeframe, you can enter that here. If you are searching for the example criteria, you would most likely search "any date."

5. Now, you can choose how to sort the results. "last posting date"/"descending" seems to turn up the best results as the wii is fairly new and common problems will thus be at the top. The "relevancy" selection is useless in my experience. You can experiment with these. Notice the username as well. I use this over #2 most of the time.

6. When choosing the display of the results, choose "topic" for a more organized screen, but you will have to sift through it on your own.

The "posts" will look more cluttered, but you can find exact posts, often with the question totally separated from the answer.

7. Most of the time, you will search "all open forums" If you were searching for the gamecube question, you would probably select the *gasp* "nintendo gamecube section."

8. FINALLY, click the "search now button" to see the glorious turn-out of your hard efforts.

If for some reason the results don't have your answer, search with some different keywords. At this point in time, all questions have been virtually exhausted.


Next time you see a n00b ask a n00bish question, don't yell "search" at them. Instead, yell "search" at them, and then share your knowledge of the almighty search function.
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+Maniacal=Maniac+ said:
Heheh... Very Clever Brawny!

(dangit, i can never figure out how to take a pic of the screen...)

hit "print screen" on your computer keybored :)

then paste it on to MS paint and VOLA!!!
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Unless you're like me, reformatted and can't use paint. I have to go the long way around and use GIMP.... I edited there anyways, so no biggy.

Hey dillon, how bout some rep? (put me over TLC!!)
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Brawny said:
Unless you're like me, reformatted and can't use paint. I have to go the long way around and use GIMP.... I edited there anyways, so no biggy.

Hey dillon, how bout some rep? (put me over TLC!!)

EW!!!!!!! :incazzato:

this is good brawny because i am tired of seeing people getting blown up over the search bar lmao........ i usually get a good laugh when people post something thats already been posted. but good job. Brawny made history lol
Good idea, and good job, and also, ive actually never told anyone to use the search function in a thread. Reasons...

1) dont you think they would have used it if they knew it was there? (most of the victims are newbies)

2) Maybe he already used it, and couldnt find answers?

3) Its actually EASIER to just give them the answer to their question, rather than screaming at them to search. it saves time and energy to be helpful.

4) you look like a complete bastard when you ask someone to use the search feature. It not your job to enfore forum rules, so just give him the damn answer, or if not just leave.
ottoman said:
Good idea, and good job, and also, ive actually never told anyone to use the search function in a thread. Reasons...

1) dont you think they would have used it if they knew it was there? (most of the victims are newbies)

2) Maybe he already used it, and couldnt find answers?

3) Its actually EASIER to just give them the answer to their question, rather than screaming at them to search. it saves time and energy to be helpful.

4) you look like a complete bastard when you ask someone to use the search feature. It not your job to enforce forum rules, so just give him the damn answer, or if not just leave.

Actually the best thing to do would be a little of both. Use a light touch. Tell them where the search is, or to read stickies or whatever needs to be done, and then simply providing a link to the answer (as opposed to the answer itself) would be good.
And as for number 4...
It IS all of your jobs to enforce the forum rules. This is a community and a higher level of involvement from you guys, means a better forum for everyone.
ottoman said:
Good idea, and good job, and also, ive actually never told anyone to use the search function in a thread. Reasons...

1) dont you think they would have used it if they knew it was there? (most of the victims are newbies)

2) Maybe he already used it, and couldnt find answers?

3) Its actually EASIER to just give them the answer to their question, rather than screaming at them to search. it saves time and energy to be helpful.

4) you look like a complete bastard when you ask someone to use the search feature. It not your job to enfore forum rules, so just give him the damn answer, or if not just leave.

I have to say i sort of agree with ottoman..... It is our job to keep it clean but some people is act like they are the mods and are totally perfect.......... But some people do make a big deal out of using the search bar. Often times it is easier to give them the answer prez than going to look for a thread with that answer. The reason why i say this is because, the person thread is made already so you might as well answer them. I dont have this problem with the search bar because my threads are not of the ordinary. if i can research on the idea i won't post it.... But it shouldn't be that big of a deal, and you mods keep saying that you don't want us to scare off the new comers, but honestly the way some people respond to them about the search bar, would do that
This needs to be stickied, people just type what their looking for in the search bar, but that just brings up those words from the thread..

Good job Brawny :thumbsup:

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