SD card doesn't work


WiiChat Member
Mar 19, 2008
Ok, I'm getting very frustrated. You guys are my last hope...I don't know where else to go.

I've bought an SD card like 2 years ago for my phone. It works great on my phone and my computer, but I realized it was a micro and it doesn't work on my Wii. That's alright...I went out and bought a standard 2GB SanDisk SD Card. Works great on my computer, but still doesn't work on my Wii. Alright, that's a little annoying, so I go out and return it. I use the money I get back to buy an SD card SPECIFICALLY MADE for the Wii, and when I put it in my Wii it doesn't work.

Yes, I've updated my Wii to the latest version before putting in the SD card, and yes it works on my computer. I've tried formatting it in several different ways but it still won't work. I'm definitely sure I'm putting it in right because that's the only way it will fit, and it clicks when I put it in.

I have no idea what's wrong...can someone please help? I've looked all over for a solution to my problem but no one else seems to have this problem.
You say that it doesn't work, but what exactly are you trying to make it do?
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Well, by not working it gives me an error message. When I put in the SD card and go to the memory storage options in the Wii options, it says "The device inserted in the SD Card Slot can't be used."

Basically it says that for anything I try to do...the Wii Photo channel, even when trying to save stuff in Brawl. It just won't let me use it. This has happened for all cards.
What do you mean "made specifically for the Wii"? Was it made by Nintendo? If not, there are no promises. I've seen plenty of cards advertised for the Wii that clearly wouldn't work.

You should go for a card less than 2GB. There is an odd technical thing that happens at the 2GB mark which is probably what is causing the Wii to be unable to read the card. Get a 1GB card. And don't get SDHC, it needs to be plain SD.
i have this problem where i cant move things from the internal memory to my SD card (wii sd card) im guessing its not made for extra memory but more like a back up.

example: internal memory is full, move a game to the sd card and erase it from the internal memory or "blocks", then move the game back when you feel like playing it.

hope that made sence but it sucks
I know im late as all out doors but I just joined because I have the same problem. When you put the card in push it all the way in as far as it will let you and hold it with your finger (pushed in pass the click sound) i did this and it works. Problem is you have to hold it in the whole time.

Has anybody else found a reason why this happens?
Hello, i´m new at the forum, and registered because I have this same problem with my the sd card. It only works if i have it pressed.

Has this been solved yet? Is it like a factory defect or something? I really need help. The thing is, sometimes it works (almost never though). At first it worked like a charm, but after about 10-15 times of taking it out and in again, it stopped working for some reason. I live in Honduras and I CANNOT send my wii anywhere to get it fixed. I would need to do it myself, or perhaps have a computer technician or an electricist do the job. Please give me a hand.

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