Say YES to "Secret of Mana 2" on the VC!


WiiChat Member
Oct 5, 2007
Please -GET EVERYONE YOU CAN- to post here, saying how you want previously unreleased Japanese RPG's ported to the Wii's VC, if the VC was indeed intended to bring us "Games that were not originally available in the region" then they need to GIVE US WHAT WE WANT! Otherwise there's always Emu's.

Call me stupid, but even though I could just play the fan-patched roms for free using emulators, I would buy a Wii -JUST- to play Secret of Mana 2, Tales of Phantasia, Terranigma etc and I bet I'm not the -ONLY- person who would either! By ignoring our request, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity...

Seiken Densetsu 1 = "Final Fantasy Adventure" on B&W Gameboy (US 1991)

Seiken Densetsu 2 = "Secret of Mana" on Super Nintendo (US 1993)

Seiken Densetsu 3 = Would've been 'Secret of Mana 2' if U.S. released (JPN 1995)

Secret of Evermore = An unrelated project of Square USA in Redmond, WA (US 1995)
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Theres a prob with porting Jap RPGs to UK consoles
Mainly its the translations
RPGs have loads of text and it takes time to translate every bit of it
So in the time it takes for them to translate it they could realese a load of shiter games that more people whould download
I would like to Seiken Densetsu 3 on VC, but unfortunately Square seems reluctant to support it, and the fact that it was a Japan-only game makes it even less likely. A game like that would require to too much translation
Seiken Densetsu 3 was crazy hard! Those boss battles lasted hours and hours. It was a good game, but way too hard.
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Napalmbrain said:
A game like that would require to too much translation

That didn't stop Niel Corlett from making a superb fan-trans...
Fan translations (please use the full word as the word Trans can be taken both ways like the people) are in the same leage as fan subs
Main companys wont use them they just do there own (some times there terrible like the offical Death note subs)
I wonder if they ever cheat and just look at the fan sub translation and just change the wording a bit?

Anyway, I'd love to see it on the VC.
Even if they just release "Secret of Mana" and not the other, Japanese-only games, I'd be all for it.

"Secret of Mana" was one of the best RPGs I ever played, and I so want to play it again on a console (emus don't count :smilewinkgrin: )
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Zackh321 said:
I wonder if they ever cheat and just look at the fan sub translation and just change the wording a bit?

Yeah, srsly... I mean no matter how they translate it the
translation is going to end up pretty close to what's already
there so why not just use what's already been done and if
there's any bits that ruffle the censors' feathers they can
just edit it out. Like the part where Duran says "SH^T" when
they land on the Volcano Island Bucca which is due to explode.
Or the bit in Tales of Phantasia where Klarth and Cless are on
the ship, and Klarth says "I bet Arche ****'s like a tiger" lol.
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