Nintendo has today announced that it will be partnering with Tecmo Koei to publish Samurai Warriors 3 exclusively for the Wii console. The game, which will launch in North America in fall 2010, represents an evolution of the Warriors series, featuring an innovative new game mode and an all-new storyline, which looks at the dynamics between the powerful lords Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Leyasu Tokugawa, and how they related to each other.

As well as including over 35 new and returning playable characters, all taken from samurai history, and new combat and gameplay elements, such as the new Rengi gauge which enables the execution of two new techniques, the game will also feature new tactical and strategic challenges on the battlefield. Game modes include two-player online and offline co-op, with enhanced sharing features, plus an all-new mode, Mystery of Murasme Castle, based on the Famicom game Nazo no Murasamejo, that gives players unique control of characters never seen before.