Rumor debunked MGS4 still exclusive


Slowly drifting away
Dec 10, 2006
My PSN is zein9881
Wii Online Code
I have said this before, that koname has said again and again that MGS4 is a exclusive

and heres the proof

Im not surprissed seeing as how 2 mods from a site made this rumar up had the opportunity to speak with Konami’s PR about this latest rumor, and unsurprisingly, Konami is baffled by claims that Metal Gear Solid 4 is going multiplatform. In a rush to get the word out, it seems that those who broke the story talked to everyone except Konami, who made this statement "For the record, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is a PlayStation 3 exclusive and there are no plans to develop an Xbox 360 version of the game." Nuff said..
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wii maniac said:
This good.People seeing that its staying exclusive it may boost ps3 sales:scared:

Im gonna cry.....your the only one that posted on my thread, :frown2:
whos the developer and whos the publisher of this game? because if the publisher says, they can force him to make it multi platform.
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Sovieto said:
whos the developer and whos the publisher of this game? because if the publisher says, they can force him to make it multi platform.
dont know, im gonna go eat and then ill search though the company is konami (if that helps)
I keep telling people, Hideo himself says MGS4 is his last Metal Gear game. So if Konami wants to make a port, they'll have to do it without, Hideo. Thus the current, most major reason it has remained exclusive... probably for all of 2008.

Since the PS3 is getting Dead Rising soon, I say all bets are off for MGS4 (360) 2-3 years later. The Japanese want money, and if you thought otherwise, you haven't seen the recent ports.
Sovieto said:
whos the developer and whos the publisher of this game? because if the publisher says, they can force him to make it multi platform.
For MGS4? Publisher: Konami, developer/ head hancho making it, Hideo Kojima, if I am correct.
Good News! go post this in the m$ fanboy, i mean..360 section! lol i could care less about this game but.. im pro sony so its good news.

and what?! dead rising for PS3? sweet! i have it already but thats still cool..maybe they will change it a little? i hope thats true..
Either way im getting the game on my PS3. But even though I doubt it will get on the Xbox. I also think that even if it were coming to the Xbox, Konami would never admit it. Why? Because it could be in their contracts not to say anything because confirming that could hinder PS3 sales and MGS4 sales as a whole.

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