Lord Haku

I have returned
Jul 3, 2006
Village Hidden in the Mist
Wii Online Code
I have to say I am a big fan of RPGS and the one thing that i afraid is the Wii will fail in that market. As we know the number of Gamecube RPGS are very rare, execpt for like paper Mario. But still the Wii can't really hold it's own in this genre. I mean face it no one can beat the PS3 in Graphics. Sorry Xbox fans but it does.

The Wii also has teh controller scheme so it willl be even harder to make them. But I still hope the best for the Wii I know theye will come out with some RPG that will blow everyone else out But you know Nintnedo has never really been big on RPG:(
I think Dragon Quest 8 is going to be the first RPG for Wii cuz IGN has it on their list for Wii launch titles and i heard it was playable at E3. Thepeople who played it at E3 said it brought a whole new way to play RPGS and they like it. So there could be hope.
Lord Haku said:
I have to say I am a big fan of RPGS and the one thing that i afraid is the Wii will fail in that market. As we know the number of Gamecube RPGS are very rare, execpt for like paper Mario. But still the Wii can't really hold it's own in this genre. I mean face it no one can beat the PS3 in Graphics. Sorry Xbox fans but it does.
um...the console hasn't even been released yet, so how can you make that statement w/an ounce of plausibility?
Lord Haku said:
The Wii also has the controller scheme so it willl be even harder to make them.
according to...?

seriously. I know you're all excited, but everyone needs to take a deep breath, step back & just wait it out. all this speculation gets annoying.
on the speculation note: who cares what the release date might be?? I want it as soon as possible, but specualting over whether or not a photoshopped date of 10-21 is correct or other such things is a waste of time. We will know the real date before that point in time anyway, so why even care? Just wait and you will have your answers. remember, "Playing = Believing"
RPGs are going to be a lot on the Wii, ive seen in so sites that notice, so dont worry about
If there was ever a system that was made for RPG's Wii would be it! I mean, just think about all the things you could do with the controller that would make things more interesting! The Wiimote will breath new life into the RPG genre which is going stale, mark my words! Oh, and to support this, Camelot is making a Golden Sun for Wii!
And for most RPGs you only really need two buttons: select and back- seems the wii is perfect for this, and using motion sensing would make it a lot easier to choose from extensive RPG menus, cause you wouldn't have to scroll; you'd just point.
The wii can definately do rpgs, first the menus are really the only thing you do in an rpg currently, the pointer can do this and oh wait the controller actually still has a d-pad and analog stick, or did you forget. also with the motion controller it opens up new avenues for gameplay like in the new castlevania on the ds that has the seals, imagine writing a gylph for a spell instead of just selecting it from the menu and chosing where your strike hits the monsters by pointing and clicking or actually slashing, the wii can definately do rpgs and improve the genre even since rpg does stand for role playing game and its easier to get into the role when you can use actual motions.
I'm love RPG's and Platform/Advanture type games, just hope the Wii has alot of them in the near future.

Hope the new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is not a **multi-player** game again...

Wanna see what what Fire Emblem on the Wii looks like...

Hope Konami brings the Suikoden series to the Wii as for some more Namco RPG's would be nice on the Wii...
RPGs will own on the wii since price for making te games are gonna be lower for the wii sincethe system isn't using anything to extreme like bluray or anything so a lot of producers are gonna squeeze out games on the wii like squareenix is gonna be using the wii a lot more then they used the gc but as mentioned earlier PS3 will own RPGs due to the graphics

and the wiimote will create an uproar for RPGs if they makes us swing the sword nerds will start gaining muscle tone lol from swinging that wiimote all day long haha
ninjade said:
and the wiimote will create an uproar for RPGs if they makes us swing the sword nerds will start gaining muscle tone lol from swinging that wiimote all day long haha
Lol hahahaha
I can see that they make a game called work out for the wii that use the wiimote to build up your muscles.
But seriously I doubt weather something so lightweight could build up your muscle it would take weeks and weeks of swinging it to get a slight change in bicep size
yeah I know but it was a funny thing I've been thinking lately like if they do have a game called work out that comes with a weight that connects to the wiimote haha but yeah tp os gonna be great with fishing with it and other stuff to that nature
I want to see some RTS on the wii, the wiimote pointer will work out a lot of the problems with console RTS games in the past, first battle for middle earth 2, then a warlords battlecry would be nice, would be even easier to navigate I think since the nunchuk can move the screen and your pointer to select everything, then you wouldn't have to worry about selecting something on the edge of the screen and moving the whole screen that way.

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