RPG Recommendations


WiiChat Member
Jan 6, 2010
Hi, I'm looking for a recommendation for a RPG that isn't childish. I'm sorry, I looked at screen shots and whatnot for the final fantasy RPG's that are wii ware titles and they seem childish and sorry for this, "girly".

My favorite RPG is without a doubt Final Fantasy 7 - best music, great graphics (for the time), game play, characters, story, etc.

The next best RPG of mine is FFF3 ( or 6 in Japan). So I'm looking for an RPG even close to the level of these on Wii, preferably a wii ware title, I looked, I can't seem to find anything. Is there something out there I'm overlooking?

I realize I could download a virtual console title, I seen one FF game there that looked like FF 5 or 4, but I want a wii ware or wii normal disc game.

RPG that isn't childish
If they made a RPG for kids it would probably be to easy.

Heres some Wii recommendations
Fire emblem
Phantom Brave (might not be for you)

Yeah thats it
Virtual Console?
Theres a few
Pantasy Star series (four over the rest of them)
Shining force series
Breath of fire
Light crusader
Ogre Battle
There is the first Final fantasy but thats rubbish
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Thanks I'll check some out.

You know what a good RPG was too back in the day, Lufia 2: rise of the sinistrals - graphics not as good as FF3 and looked a "tad" more childish but nonetheless the good game.

Also good, on the adventure RPG playing field was illusion of gaia, that game was great.
Shining Force is a great Sega Genesis RPG available in the Virtual Consoles library. I was somewhat addicted to it when I was younger. Also, the first Final Fantasy is in the VC library aswell, For Wiiware they have Final Fantasy 4: The After Years, a sequel to one of the most successful classic FF titles.
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Ya know I was going to get FF4 the after years then I recall reading a somewhat bad review on gamespot
It got bad reviews because it's a game that feels old, but it's suppose to.
It got bad reviews because it's a game that feels old, but it's suppose to.
Games that "Feel old" mean nothing

Its just a reviewers lazy excuse for giving a game a low score.
Truth be said that there are loads of older games that feel better than these newer ones
Hi, I'm looking for a recommendation for a RPG that isn't childish. I'm sorry, I looked at screen shots and whatnot for the final fantasy RPG's that are wii ware titles and they seem childish and sorry for this, "girly".

Looks can be decieving. Take Little King's Story for example, a game that looks like it should be for little kids but is in fact a very deep RPG/strategy game that is not childish at all.

Rune Factory Frontier is an excellent RPG and imo the best on the Wii (aside from Little King's Story) but it may be a bit too 'girly' for you. Being a spin off of Harvest Moon it involves farming and wooing the girl characters as much (if not more) as it does dungeon crawling and fighting monsters.

I haven't played Tales Of Symphonia, Baroque or The Crystal Bearers but they all have had rather average review scores.

Things are looking up a bit on the RPG front this year though. Shiren The Wanderer releases soon and Arc Rise Fantasia is out in June. Both have had very good review scores in Japan. Plus there should be Tales of Graces and Monado appearing sometime in the future.

As to what is worth getting right now, I'd suggest trying Secret of Mana (SNES) and Shining Force (Genesis) on the VC.

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