Rlly awesome video

that video is so old, its just another gameplay video of the same mario galaxy demo that has been out since may
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okay tahts nice, but SMG isnt even gunna come out to the system, it was just to test the system, or so ive been told
wat are you talking about, Miyamato said himself that he is working on it right now and at the nintendo e3 press conference the guy said nintendo is making a new mario game called super mario galaxy.
I think you are confused with Super Mario 128 which was a test for the gamecube, not the wii
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well i heard somewhere taht SMG was just a test, but i hope they were wrong, and i hope they make SM128, but i guess SMG IS SM128
Supermariomp3 said:
wat are you talking about, Miyamato said himself that he is working on it right now and at the nintendo e3 press conference the guy said nintendo is making a new mario game called super mario galaxy.
I think you are confused with Super Mario 128 which was a test for the gamecube, not the wii

All true. SMG is an actual Wii game. Super Mario 128 was there test engine for Mario Sunshine

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