Rise of the leftys...fight the power


Jun 22, 2009
i live in texas plamview
Wii Online Code
ok i know there r leftys in the world that have to agree with me on this y in the hell cant they make a left handed controller i mean what is so hard about that,i know u can play left handed with the wiimote and nunchuck but im talking about a left handed classic control or game cube control grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
Ever tried googling "left handed controller"?

I'm a left hander and i've gotten used to it.
(25+ years gaming)
I'm a natural lefty also, but since none of the controllers I ever played going back to Atari were designed for lefthanded people, I adapted.
i dunno...
atari had a right-handed joystick and firebutton on the left. -- nintendo has opposite configuration.
so i would think if each controller were opposite at conception, i wouldn't have thought of this being a problem for right handed people.
are yo ua suckie gamer?

The only problem I have is playing Guitar Hero or Rockband, and the guitar is set up to be used by mostly right handers. Otherwise, I have no problems being left handed and using the joysticks and controllers.
The only problem I have is playing Guitar Hero or Rockband, and the guitar is set up to be used by mostly right handers. Otherwise, I have no problems being left handed and using the joysticks and controllers.

I'm pretty sure the newer GH games have lefty flip.
There really are no discriminations when it comes to game controllers (with the exception of GH, but it's not too difficult to play lefty, you just have to use the whammy bar differently). The joystick/d-pad has almost always been controlled by the left hand, and other actions by the right. That's just the way it is. If you've not gotten used to it by now, maybe you just weren't meant to play video games.
The only problem I have is playing Guitar Hero or Rockband, and the guitar is set up to be used by mostly right handers. Otherwise, I have no problems being left handed and using the joysticks and controllers.

I have GH3 and you can switch the configuration to right or left handed playing. I play righty, my wife does it lefty.
Oh yes I know you can flip it in the settings, but I meant that the guitar is still meant to be played right-handed. When you play lefty, the whammy bar is on top instead of bottom, the Wiimote is on bottom instead of top, and the integrated joystick works backwards.
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no im not a suky player i do know how to play with a right hand control ive been playing games for 13 years im just saying it would be cool if they made a left handed controller
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i dunno...
atari had a right-handed joystick and firebutton on the left. -- nintendo has opposite configuration.
so i would think if each controller were opposite at conception, i wouldn't have thought of this being a problem for right handed people.
are yo ua suckie gamer?

im not a sukie player...i dont think so...., i do play with game cube controller im just saying it would be cool if they could make a left handed controll thats all
Try it sometime.


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