Rise From Your Grave, ‘Line Rider’ - Wii And DS Versions Of Flash Sensation Are Alive


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
It’s been more than a year since we’ve heard anything about “Line Rider” for DS or Wii.

InXile Entertainment announced ports of the popular Flash game way back in December 2006, but not only did all of 2007 go without a single mention of the Line Rider’s status, InXile’s website remained stagnant, too. E-mails sent to contacts listed on their website bounced back to us.

Multiplayer wondered whether “Line Rider” was somehow derailed. We thought the Nintendo-platform versions of the game might be dead.

But it turns out that’s far from the truth. InXile confirmed to Multiplayer that “Line Rider” is still very much in development – testers have been actively playing it for months – but they’ve had to change the release date. Instead of Spring, “Line Rider” is now coming sometime in the summer.

But, of course, the important part is that it is, in fact, coming in 2008. What else do we know about these new takes on “Line Rider”? Read on to find out.

“It’s gonna happen this year,” confirmed “Line Rider” creator Bostjan Cadez to Multiplayer in an e-mail last night. The extent to which Cadez is involved in both the DS and Wii versions isn’t yet known, but considering both versions are going to be derivative of the next iteration of “Line Rider” on the PC – video of which can be found on the official site – Cadez’s influence on the titles designed for Nintendo’s machines should be profound.

We spoke with InXile about the project, though the studio wasn’t willing to divulge many details. “I can assure you that ‘Line Rider’ [for DS and Wii] is alive and kicking. We have been working on it for quite a while and are continuing to polish up the features of the game,” said “Line Rider” producer Chris Keenan in an e-mail.

Keenan points out the lack of any news is simple: they haven’t even had anything to talk about yet. Still, he promises an official announcement from their currently unannounced publisher is coming next month. Then, we should have a better idea of how the two games are shaping up, but if you’ve seen the video mentioned above, you already have a good idea of the direction – more features, more ambition, more “Line Rider.”

“The PC and Wii versions will have similar features,” said InXile Producer Andrei Passioukov. “Overall the game will be the next generation ‘Line Rider,’ it will have a lot more features and options than the original Flash version, and will appeal to both newcomers and hardcore “Line Rider” players.

Are you ready to feed the addiction again, readers of Multiplayer? Looks like there’s room for more DS drawing games after all.

sweet. linkage

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