Riiflex Wii Controller Dumbbells Take Wii Fitness to Next Level-1.052009-12-15 17:50:33Maura SWith fitness games already being so popular on the Wii, it’s no surprise to see that Power Play Corp has come up with the ingenious idea of actually turning the Wii Nunchuk and Wii Remote into dumbbells. The Riiflex™ weights you see here have been designed to add resistance to your Wii Fit workouts while still allowing all controller functions.
“We wanted to develop a product line of quality fitness gear that can extend the functionality of the growing number of fitness titles for the Wii and Wii Fit,” said Riiflex creator Paul Holcomb. “We believe Wii Fit is tapping into a large market demand to make gym time feel more like play time. We are dedicated to develop products that help people meet this need.”
Holcomb adds that the Riiflex was designed as a traditional alternative for resistance bands. “Resistance bands can be convenient but they have their limitations. They typically require use of another body part to provide resistance and do not provide added weight needed for lower body exercises like lunges.”
Holcomb cautions that the Riiflex was primarily created to provide additional resistance for exercise games on the Wii and is not recommended for all games.
Riiflex 2lb dumbbells are currently available for £24.99 from Play.com and John Lewis stores (from 18th December) in the UK. If you live in North America, click here to find out how to pre-order the dumbbells.