Ride Back - New anime that I recomend


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Ok it is now the session of new animes so here I am suggesting a new anime for this year (IE not a sequal)
This anime is called RideBack


Year : 2009

Genre : Mecha - Science-Fiction

Synopsis :
As the daughter of a highly celebrated ballet dancer, Rin always placed her attention on her dancing career as well. Be it new technology or the radical revolution that shook the world, none of it mattered to her. Until an untimely injury made her quit dancing altogether.

Now in college, Rin discovers the RideBack club, which uses the new high-tech humanoid motorbikes of the same name. After discovering the machines' potential and her own abilities to control them, Rin has found her new passion. One that will completely change her world.

I know ive said that I dont really watch Mecha based animes but this is one of those exeptions
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Its art style isnt the same old witch is a good thing

(You can see via the vid link)
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Different to the usual stlye that seems to of become the norm much to my dispare

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