Revolution is still alive


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code

Most of us have got used to the “Wii” name, but we still regret that Nintendo decides to change the name, somehow “Revolution” is more appealing to the Nintendo fan base. I was looking at the bottom of the wii remote today, and found out that the No. Part of the Wii-mote is: RVL-003, so decide to go check other parts of the Wii, This is what I found:

* Console: RVL-001
* Power Brick: RVL-002
* Wii-mote: RVL-003
* Nunchuck: RVL-004
* Console Stand: RVL-017
* Console Stand’s Stand: RVL-019
* And so on…

Is obvious that RVL stands for ReVoLution, so it seems that even the console refuses to leave that name. Even the games had the Revolution name on them: Zelda Twilight Princess: RVL-P-RZDE.

Wii had a mass market approach, but Revolution will stay in our hearts.
Viva la Revolution!

Source: Nintendo Revolution is still alive. « Viva Nintendo
I guess that's like how the gamecube models start with "DOL" and the code name for the GameCube was "Dolphin."
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Kiwi said:
I got over the change pretty quickly.

When I first heard about wii I was like :shocked:

But then I realized that it was the best name ever, way better than the Revolution :thumbsup:
....The Wii kind of still sounds odd... (example:wanna go downstairs and play with my Wii :lol:)
I would have liked it better if it stayed as Revolution than the Wii.....maybe Nintendo is saving the name for a future console :confused:
I like Wii better than Revolution. Revolution would sound retarded when speaking about the console. "Hey, I'm going to play my Revolution in a minute, wanna play?" Or "Hey, I'm going to play my Wii in a minute, wanna play?"

Doesn't "Wii" sound better? And it's much more universal.

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