resident evil archives


WiiChat Member
May 31, 2009
I want to buy resident evil archives when it comes out, but I am curious what game (or games) it is. Is it resident evil zero? Thanks!
i dont have the re1 for gamecube but i'll buy re: archives.
I like that they are doing this...I wil definitely get it. Everyone always talks about how awesome the original Resident Evil was. But when the Playstation version came out I was too young to get it (5 years old) and when the Gamecube version came out...I was STILL too young to get it (11 years old). But now I am old enough to go into Gamestop and buy a copy of Resident Evil and play it (18 years Old). So I can't wait for this remake.
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I am stoked to buy it. I just want them to make resident evil 5 for wii now. I guess I will just have to borrow my buddies ps3 to play it.
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I am stoked to buy it. I just want them to make resident evil 5 for wii now. I guess I will just have to borrow my buddies ps3 to play it.

The original Resident Evil was much more scary than RE:5. I'm not too bothered about RE:5 coming to the Wii because it was a let down for me, just another action game.

I wonder if they will release the whole series of RE as remakes under the Archives label.
The original Resident Evil was much more scary than RE:5. I'm not too bothered about RE:5 coming to the Wii because it was a let down for me, just another action game.

I wonder if they will release the whole series of RE as remakes under the Archives label.

I honestly hope they do because i never played Zero,and 2. Then i only somewhat played 3 ,and CV on Dreamcast.
I am stoked to buy it. I just want them to make resident evil 5 for wii now. I guess I will just have to borrow my buddies ps3 to play it.

there's an entire thread dedicated to the arguement of RE5 on the wii. go read that then call all the people who are thinking it'll happen idiots. RE5 will never be on the wii
Yup, REmake was still the best of the series. I need to finish it though, I was too scared to play it when I first got it =P
The original Resident Evil was much more scary than RE:5. I'm not too bothered about RE:5 coming to the Wii because it was a let down for me, just another action game.

I wonder if they will release the whole series of RE as remakes under the Archives label.
Too true.
I can't stand Resident Evil 5.
he old ones were so much better where youd explore a big house, hear dodgy things like doors opening and stuff, and then you'd meet someone and the whole time you're with them you'd be like **** is this guy a zombie omgz.

But yeah I'm pretty stoked about this.
Too true.
I can't stand Resident Evil 5.
he old ones were so much better where youd explore a big house, hear dodgy things like doors opening and stuff, and then you'd meet someone and the whole time you're with them you'd be like **** is this guy a zombie omgz.

But yeah I'm pretty stoked about this.

Yeah I played Resident Evil 5 and I was not impressed at all. The art style was weird and the visuals weren't the best. But the main gripe is that after more than a decade this series has transformed from a scary survival horror game, to a boring shooting gallery style game with clunky controls. The only suspense from the game comes from the fact that you can't turn fast enough to see anything, the characters control like tanks and the co-op idea was poorly executed.
why are you guys hating RE5? i thought it was excellent. yes they don't turn fast enough and standing still to shoot is a stupid idea but other than that that game was great. not as 'scary' (if you call any RE scary) as the others but still a great game. the visuals were impressive, the co-op was excellent (except for the CPU partner continually running into your guns way) and story is awsome. Why do you guys not like this game when you like the others? i thought it was an improvement to the RE gameplay style
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there's an entire thread dedicated to the arguement of RE5 on the wii. go read that then call all the people who are thinking it'll happen idiots. RE5 will never be on the wii

I have actually read that thread. If the game can be made for the wii or not doesnt change the fact that I want it to be.

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