Resident evil 4: some ideas.


Master of all
Dec 16, 2006
Resident evil 4:​
A very good resi game, probably the best.
Anyway i was stoked to here that resi 4 was comming to wii, however i feel that with a game like resi 4 comming out again on the wii, not enough imagination will be put into the controls.[/CENTER] For example from reading the article at IGN i know there is a new aiming system but, this isnt enough to convince me to get the game.
I want imagination!!!!![/CENTER]

My point is, rather than just using the nunchuck for walking and wiimote for aiming, just for the aiming was hope for something along the lines of :

Shotgun: Holding the nunchuck like so:
Holding the nunchuck as the handle of the shotgun near your chest with the z button as the trigger and putting the wiimote infront of the nunchuck as the barrel of the shotgun, once you fire u must retract the wiimote as you would cock the shotgun

For the pistol i was hoping:
Holding the nunchuck directly under wiimote which is aiming at a target. THe nunchuck acts as the clip of the gun which must be jolted to reload and swiped across the top of the wiimote to cock it back.

Now these 2 idea could go along way however i doubt they will be included because they are too complex. The wii would be capable of doing so. ANd it would be the ultimate innotive experiance.[/CENTER]
they are good ideas but how would the remote read a nunchuck being underneath it? it would be like the normal conrtols but you would just be holding it could do it on any game in that case
They'd be good for a different game, but no point in possible ruining an already great game. It's just a port.
I just picked up my controller and attempted the positions you mentioned..and the seem awful awkward.

Resi 4 is a very action based, getting into position would be a real paint everytime you saw an it would take too long to do. Oh no a villager has thrown an axe, I should get into pistol stance. *SPLAT* "You have died".

the ideas are really good, and would be awesome if they could be done...but I don;t think Resi 4 is the game to do them in.
Yellow_Wii: First of all the Nunchuck also has motion sensing second it's getting ports because it is drawing in new crowds who never played the ports

Goose: Great ideas if I developed it I would not make stances manditory but the player can use them to make it more fun so the nunchuck would reload the pistol and a shake of the Wii Remote would reload the shotgun but the player could still choose to do the actions you normally would and it would work
i know the nunchuck has a sensor its just it doesnt matter how you hold it, the same effect would happen....savvy
Like i said before, give me a chainsaw attachment anyday:cornut:

A wii mote holder that looks like a real shot gun, it has a proper trigger that when you pull it it has a connection to the wii trigger which pushs that.

While waiting for a chainsaw attachment il just pretend the tennis bat it one :D
Unfortunatly can in that new scarface game mind.

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