Remember me?


I really don't care.
Jan 9, 2008
Inside your mind.
Wii Online Code
Hello, everyone! It's really good to be back. Life has been D-U-L-L. I haven't been on because.....

A month or so ago I found myself unable to login. I figured, 'Hell, it's just a glitch or something.' So every day I'd try to log in, only to no avail. I wanted to get on so bad moments ago I contacted my buddy D1nner over Xbox LIVE. He told me the forum was reset to the time March '08. AW CRAP, says me. I changed my password around October last year. I didn't and don't remember what it was. So I go to the forgot password screen, get sent the email with mah new password, and got pissed off because the new thread page took forever to load so I could start typing this message....

Well, folks, I think the lesson here is that you should nevernevernevernever abandon Wiichat, and that D1nner the FREAKING BOMB for helping me out! Thanks so much man!

I shall now commense posting like hell.
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Hello, everyone! It's really good to be back. Life has been D-U-L-L. I haven't been on because.....

A month or so ago I found myself unable to login. I figured, 'Hell, it's just a glitch or something.' So every day I'd try to log in, only to no avail. I wanted to get on so bad moments ago I contacted my buddy D1nner over Xbox LIVE. He told me the forum was reset to the time March '08. AW CRAP, says me. I changed my password around October last year. I didn't and don't remember what it was. So I go to the forgot password screen, get sent the email with mah new password, and got pissed off because the new thread page took forever to load so I could start typing this message....

Well, folks, I think the lesson here is that you should nevernevernevernever abandon Wiichat, and that D1nner the FREAKING BOMB for helping me out! Thanks so much man!

I shall now commense posting like hell.

Well if your the same S.K i remember........

WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
SkullKid I love you.

I was actually thinking about you earlier today.

Sup my man?
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Thanks so much, guys. Lol at Birdmaster.

@Gikoku: So, is the GFX clique needing any immediate members?:lol:

I'm having a hard time recognizing some people, there've been so many name changes.

@WMBQ: Not much. I actually had a dream about the first plot earlier this week. Ah, those were the days.

EDIT: Birdmaster, you have the best avatar in history. That's just...way too funny.
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