Reliving The Legend of Zelda


Protector of Hyrule
May 15, 2006
Sacred Realm
Wii Online Code
With The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess coming to the Wii latter this year. I can't help but remember some of those classic great Zelda games. Just remembering the frustrating puzzle's I wasn't able to figure out right off the bat makes me wonder what TP has to offer with those brain teasing puzzle's.

What is your favorite Zelda game from any system and/or momemt in Zelda's prolific history? Why?
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My favorite moment would have to be when Nintendo shocked the world with the news that the new Legend of Zelda for the Gamecube would use cell-shaded graphics. This broke many people's hearts including myself. I bought the game anyhow and it was a good game once you got over the graphics. Nintendo blew the world away with there eye-poppin images of what was supposed to be The Legend of Zelda for the Gamecube at Space World 2000 to the Zelda we know now for the Gamecube Wind Waker. Check out these images from Space World 2000, it only has me wondering what Zelda could of been.

My favorite game would have to be the first Zelda for the NES.
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they look way underpolished to me (which is understandable), but i think the cell shaded was a nice change of pace i prolly woulda laughed had i come across ganon looking like that
anyway, i think my fav zelda of all time would have to be a link to the past, i played that game through so many times it isn't funny

least fav would be adventures of link, never could get into that one
I don't know what the big fuss was over the cel-shading in Wind Waker. Personally I thought it looked quite nice. That said, I did think Wind Waker was rather short (should have had 2 or 3 more dungeons).

As for which was the best Zelda, I guess I'd have to say Ocarina of Time, but I liked Majora's Mask a lot too. Never had the chance to play Link to the Past sadly.
Been a massive fan of the zelda titles for as long as i can remember, so many hours of fun.. figuring out the puzzles then trying to beat all the bosses hehe

Was it 'Links Awakening' that was the first one on the SNES?

If i remember right it came with a little golden book with instructions to only open if you couldnt figure something out after ages.

I remember opening it within 5minutes of playing (the first scene where link walks upto the palace in the rain and has to find a secret entrence), turns out it was a bush blocking a hole in the ground :D

Probably the most fun i've ever had playng video games was with that title - amazing.
^-- pretty sure you're thinking of a link to the past, as far as i can remember that was the only zelda for the snes and it opens exactly like that
phimuajedi69 said:
^-- pretty sure you're thinking of a link to the past, as far as i can remember that was the only zelda for the snes and it opens exactly like that

Yea you're right :)

I wasnt sure about the title, boy did i struggle killing Ganon in that one aha :cool:
yeah, he was pretty tough the first few times, but like all the good old bosses once you have him figured out he goes down easily (if a bit lengthy in this case)
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phimuajedi69 said:
^-- pretty sure you're thinking of a link to the past, as far as i can remember that was the only zelda for the snes and it opens exactly like that

Yeah that was a great game. It was the invention of the hook shot. I remember flying around rooms with the hook shot and thinking that their is nothing better. The lattern also made for some good fun. I cant remember if the was in a Zelda title before A Link to the Past.
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The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time had to of been one of my favorites. I think the horse back riding and using your bow made it feel so real. They also introduced fishing, which in Twilight Princess looks awesome.
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I've gotta agree, Legend of Zelda was my favourite of them all, I replayed that game so many times and it didn't get boring for ages. :)
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A moment in Zelda history. Here's some Videos and Pictures for you to look at.

Lol the videos and pictures arent impressive to today's standards but remember how amazed I was back in the day when I first saw them.

I remember looking for those gold skulltula's going around each corner listening for the them. I spent hours and hours trying to find them all. I had use the guide to find them all. Lol remember drop the bug in the seed holes first before you drop the seed in. Cant remember if you could go back to get the skulltula in seed holes that you planted your seed in already?
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After seeing those IGN pics from the n64 zelda i've decided to fire up that game again.
Forgot all about the horse riding :cool:

Hopefully this time it'll be more straightforward :p

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