Registering Games On


aka Mr. Duddle
Dec 20, 2006
Wii Online Code
Select games can get registered on and it says that Mario Kart: Double Dash for GameCube can be registered. Where on earth is the reg code for this game?? I don't see it anywhere inside the case or outside for that matter. With new Wii games like Big Brain Academy or Zelda: Twilight Princess there's registration codes written on little inserts inside the cases.
If you bought a new version of the game (not used), then there should be the code on back of a little booklet.
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I did buy it new but not recently. I bought it around a year or so ago. There's no code on the back of the instructional booklet.

Oh there it is... it was on the back of some promo insert. They sure didn't make it easy to locate!

Seems only official Nintendo games give out reg codes. Games like Trauma Center: Second Edition don't come with one.
yep, glad ya found it. Are ya going to register 3 of em to get 3 free mags :)?
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That's the plan! Did you do that as well? It seems like you have to cancel after you get the 3rd issue though or you get billed for a year?
nope, they just send you 3 free issues. No Credit Card is needed =D

Of course you need a valid street address >.>

EDIT: And yes I did do that..
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Sounds good. How is Nintendo Power Magazine? I haven't had an issue since the SNES days. I got GamePro right now but that magazine is getting smaller and smaller. I imagine a mag dedicated to the console you own will have lots of good exclusive content.

So I just signed up for it. How long did yours take to get the first issue? It said this to me:

- Thank you!
- You have successfully reserved your trial subscription!
- You will receive an email when your subscription starts. To help ensure delivery, make sure your address information is current in your My Nintendo profile.
Nintendo Power is alright, I would subscribe to it, but it's good for a free issue..

I think i got mine within 4 weeks, but it depends when the next issue is released.
lol iv registered loads of games

p.s the magazine i get is the official nintendo magazine its my face check out its site now if you want

as it has always got the most up to date news on the best games coming up

rep me if i was helpfull
you get free issue of nintendo power goddammit we dont get anything we are ment to get wii points i hope we do i want castlevania and punch out

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