Registering games on


SSB 4 Life
Feb 6, 2007
Wii Online Code
Is there a point in registering games on Or is it just an online reference to your library of games? Like, if I buy a used game that has already been registered, and the game works fine, am I at any disadvantage? Does nintendo actually reveal hidden content on their site if you register more games?
Well if you Register the Wii it boosts the Warranty by 90days and I think if you register more than 3 things they will send you like small little 2 page Booklets on stuff for the wii. Plus you get lastest new sent to your email =)

Also you can track stuff mailed to you by Nintendo from there =)
When you register games you get star points,

Nintendo said they will soon be able to convert star points into wii points woohoo!
if u register 3 or more u get 3 months of nintendo power magazine :D
well iv registered over 20 things i havent got nintendo power how you get that?

and iv got over 6000 points.

anyway cant w8 until you can convert to wii points.

also you get loads of downloadable content and up to date news if you register games
is there star things in north america and i signed up 3 games i didnt get mail?
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
where do you go to see how many star points you have??

HUYI said:
no only europe.

meaning only for ENGLAND UK EUROPE not for USA or CANADA.

Does anyone know how you can spend these stars at the mo?

as far as i can see the only thing you can spend it on is wallpapers & ringtones if you are into that kind of thing, just go to the stars catalogue section on nintendo europe website to spend your stars.

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