Registering Emails with the Wii.


WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2008
I am having trouble registering my Wii to my email address and my cellphone.
I have gotten the message from the wii on both of them and I replied but its been 5 days and it didnt register yet. Do I have to wait longer or do I have to reply to the messages with a specific message?
Who else has registered their emails with their wii?
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I use verizon so if you send a plain text email to it will reach my phone. Its just like and email address but it gets forwarded to my cell.
okay, i've registered both before. with an email, you register the email address on the wii and the wii sends a message to the email address, you go to the email address and you reply to that same message that was sent from the wii. after you reply to that message, it will be fully registered on the wii. the same with phones. get the email from the text, register in wii address book, and reply on the phone for it to be fully registered.
for me, it took like 5 min. to do everything. that includes the time for the wii to fully register the addresses.
I accidently did it too my friend and he was like WTF with me the next day haha

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