Regions? UK vs US price?


WiiChat Member
Jun 16, 2006
Hi all, I was wondering whether the Wii will be region free, all I can find is old information, I know there's a difference between UK (PAL) and US (NTSC) so I'll buy a UK Wii but looking at the games Nintendo states they wouldn't be sold for more than $50 (first party) which is £26.67 and factoring in 17.5% VAT for UK that brings my total to £31.34(ish) so where are PLAY getting £39.99 from for LoZ??

The reason I ask about Region encoding is that I'm wondering whether or not it would be cost effective to order games from the US sans VAT?

Oh and the price for the controller in the UK seems to have shot up ¬_¬ at first I thought it was £20 for the remote and £10 for the nunchuk and now its £30 for the remote and £14 for the nunchuk? So instead of £30 per completed controller its £44? pretty damn expensive T_T

Full set of controllers £120+ ftl? (full inc one in package already)

I know I've moaned about the controller price before (Sovieto ;)) anyone able to put my mind at ease on any of these questions?:scared:
Taero said:
Hi all, I was wondering whether the Wii will be region free, all I can find is old information, I know there's a difference between UK (PAL) and US (NTSC) so I'll buy a UK Wii but looking at the games Nintendo states they wouldn't be sold for more than $50 (first party) which is £26.67 and factoring in 17.5% VAT for UK that brings my total to £31.34(ish) so where are PLAY getting £39.99 from for LoZ??

The reason I ask about Region encoding is that I'm wondering whether or not it would be cost effective to order games from the US sans VAT?

Oh and the price for the controller in the UK seems to have shot up ¬_¬ at first I thought it was £20 for the remote and £10 for the nunchuk and now its £30 for the remote and £14 for the nunchuk? So instead of £30 per completed controller its £44? pretty damn expensive T_T

Full set of controllers £120+ ftl? (full inc one in package already)

I know I've moaned about the controller price before (Sovieto ;)) anyone able to put my mind at ease on any of these questions?:scared:
ur right, the controller price was already too much for me in dollars and in ****in pounds its even more expensive. i kno its got motion sensing but DAMMN, why does UK pay so much tax? doesnt US pay tax, im confused :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
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Oh...goody...I thought Ninty were supposed to be following the trend of the DS which was partly loved for its non region encoding ?_? so looks like I'm stuck at £40+ per game then? So much for the low cost view of Nintendo, at least they cant be more expensive than the PS3

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