Red Steel


WiiChat Member
Jun 19, 2007
I played red steel and wow I couldnt even control it but I figured how to put it to low sensitivity its still hard to play, it also tires you out zooming in the remote and moving its hard but im getting used to it is there anything I can to do fix this
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Just lots of playing will fix it.

The "Getting-used-to-it" time is different for everybody.

Didn't take me long, but the last FPS I played was Goldeneye for the N64.

Though, there is the blasted times when the cursor decides to jump around every now and again. But nothing you can't handle if you can get some cover (which is where I stay most of the time. They shoot at ya if you come out even for half a second!)
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dadrame said:
Is this normal for this game? I was thinking of buying this title one day soon.

Its harder to control then games like on a 360 controller Id rent this game before buying it it can be fun but probbaly not worth buying
I honestly didn't mind that game too much. I was a little mad about the dialog and the graphics weren't so hot. I hated when you move the Wii remote too far, the whole character would shift...bothered the hell out of me. How much is that game now? I'd buy it for $20.
I loved playing that game. I didn't have any difficulties with the controls and I was also interested enough to actually finish the game.
Trulen said:
Just lots of playing will fix it.

The "Getting-used-to-it" time is different for everybody.

Didn't take me long, but the last FPS I played was Goldeneye for the N64.

Though, there is the blasted times when the cursor decides to jump around every now and again. But nothing you can't handle if you can get some cover (which is where I stay most of the time. They shoot at ya if you come out even for half a second!)

Usually when I'm about snipe. :rolleyes:

I still enjoy the game--but I don't understand the jumpiness. I've never experienced it anywhere else, and I've never heard of it in other games.
yeah i never faced any control problems... but like most others say its something you will have to get used to... best thing i can tell ya is just keep playing and play in a way that your the most comfortable maybe resting your hand your for knee to steady the remote.. the only trouble i had with the game is the damn ninjas :( still stuck on em.

Byuakuya- from the ninjas how close am i from completion?

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