red steel or far cry


WiiChat Member
Oct 11, 2006
i was checkin out the games and i only have enuff money for 2 at launch .. so im gettin ZELDA and either red steel or far cry .. help with my decision please .. im at lost lol :sick:
Red Steel. No question. Far Cry doesn't look very good in terms of graphics. Plus you can just play it on PC. It won't be anything new. Red Steel looks awesome, and should play awesome. I definately suggest Red Steel.
I dont think far cry will be as bad as everyone is saying it will be but still, red still all the way. The Hype of that game has been so much more than far cry. Not only that, Red Steel DOES look very good in comparison with far cry when comparing the graphics. Red Steel overall looks superb. Dont think twice, Red Steel the whole way.
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allright guys .. ima take your advice . im go for red steel .. after all it is made for the wii specifically .. . thanks for the time

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