red steel online play


skateboards rock
Jan 2, 2007
second post and doing this on the wii. i heard from a website that red steel in june will have a update that will cost money that will enable online play:thumbsup:
that sound cool, i love red steel and would love to play online,,

would you have to pay for an online service like xbox live? or would u have to pay to play online for this specific game,cuz that would suck...
esabourin said:
that sound cool, i love red steel and would love to play online,,

would you have to pay for an online service like xbox live? or would u have to pay to play online for this specific game,cuz that would suck...

Nintendo has already came out and said that online play will be FREE!! :yesnod:
yep and i don't see myself paying for redsteel especially since i can't wait to get rid of it. Now if Zelda did this(very unlikely), I would be interested but then again it might be mind numbingly neverending like the cult of Warcraft.
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sorry cant find it from there go to google and type in red steel online play and its the sixth one down . sorry
The fee is probably to enable the the online play, not a monthly fee. Sounds cool but i think there's a high chance of it being fake
i dunno about it being fake...i recall reading somewhere maybe it was in my EGM mag that said Far Cry was going to recieve an update to allow online play so it'll probally be the same with Red Steel. It would put so much needed life into Red Steel ,and Far Cry since i already beat them.
as excited as the very thought makes me, I'm gonna call shenanigans on this one.

mind you, I always did find it strange that the button for multiplayer in Red Steel says "play multiplayer on the same screen" or something similar. Why would it explicitly say "same screen". why? WHY!?

maybe I"m reading too much into it.

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